This was epic.
I was a little sad that there were only a few events left for Aer'Astria, but this week bundled in so much character and relation development for me and Khyriel.
- Paranoia turning out to be justified. Two void-tainted adventurers for the price of one!
- The Aqua mod, and just getting to dial everything up to 11 in her mindscape. The NPC text commentary on the battlemap was hilarious and everything Yotie did in that mindscape was adorable. <3
- Malus's gift basket.
- For the all the chaos it gave rise to, Baqi's stunt on Sunday night was a great scene, and set the tone for a lot of subsequent interactions.
- "You let people in, even though that gives them the power to destroy you."
- Killian straight facedly buttering up Albrecht was hilarious: "I wanted to come over and let you know that I am a strong supporter of your stance and am looking forward to your time as Ambassador."
- Planting some flowers at the dryad memorial, and seeing Oriella's disgusted reaction to touching dirt. XD
- "Everyone deserves kindness, Khyriel."
cue sobbing noises in and out game
- Telling Baqi no.
- Getting away with "weapon strike shatter support strut!"
- Shipping noises
- Final Defend the Void Portal minecraft mod: The collective intake of breath on the PC side when we realized one of the NPCs on the mod was putting down TNT blocks.

- Jinian/Sass Golem was definitely the MVP of the Saturday night minecraft Lumos mod. Also, everyone who didn't see the final rooms of that mod
missed out. The work in those parts specifically, and so many others generally, by Emma, Canada, Re, and Kelsey was
- Helen noticing Khyriel's new tufts of tiny blue feathers.
- Luzula's whole arc this event was lovely and heartwarming to watch. I'm really glad I got to be a part of it. <3
- Bennit finally getting help, and then this gem happens when Durnic is about to cast a ritual for them:
Bennit: "Last time we spoke, you were asking for romantic advice. I couldn't give any of course, seeing as I was void tainted at the time."
Durnic: "Ah, yes. I remember now. I am happy to report that the situation has resolve itself."
Bennit: "Oh, well I'm so glad to hear that."
- Conversations with Durnic, Tadeusz, and Gidjit at various points.
- All the shenanigans casually noticed in Tavern chat. Snooping on Tadeusz and Theah was heartwarming af.