OOG: San Fransisco Forum RP Updates


Hey Everyone!

So a question came up previously and I wanted to address it quickly here.

In the past, villains have been able to speak to characters across Fortannis and within our SF boards. This had lead to the implication that sometimes the 'bad guys' can hear the good guys dreaming, planning, talking about secret things and so on.

While this is fun, we want to promote using the boards as a role-play space and a between game planning / theorizing space.

To that end, we want to encourage our players using our boards to communicate and Role-play!

Categorically for Alliance SF: Villains will not have the ability to overhear your Dream conversations unless specifically noted in the Thread that they may do so.

We would like you all to use the following tags:

SAFE - This thread tag is our assumed space to RP in. If you [SAFE] in your thread title, it will be accessible only by those who would otherwise aid your cause.

OPEN - This thread tag means anyone and everyone (Bad guys) can hear you speaking. That does not explicitly imply that bad guys will hear you, but the option is there.

If you do not post a Thread Tag in the title, we will assume the thread is SAFE unless characters are actively calling out to villains who have access to the dreaming.

All of the board RP takes place in the Dream, in the mysts surrounding the respective Chapter; rather than a physical location. So with that understood it is not the case that a bad guy can just walk in and read what is posted on a wall.

More over, dreaming threads stay active indefinitely. So anyone can join a thread at any point; even if it is several years dead, for instance.

All previous threads will for the sake of caveat by treated as SAFE.

Thank you for your time and have fun Role-Playing!

Alliance SF, GM
This post was a while ago now, but as there has been recent concern about who or what might be listening to dreamscape conversations, is this still applicable? Are threads not specifically called out to be open to 'villains' assumed to be safe for players to talk? (Leaving aside the possibility that it may be unsafe to let other players hear some things...)