Opening for January Game


Hey all!

For our upcoming game, we're going to have opening start at 8:30!! Opening will be done at 9, so we can get things rolling. We have a lot to do this weekend, so we're looking to get things going pretty early.

Logistics will be opening whenever I get to site and get setup, probably around 5:30, and will go until 8:30.

IMPORTANT NOTE: LOGISTICS WILL ONLY BE OPEN FOR 10 MINUTES AFTER OPENING. We have things to do, so after 9:10 or so, please report to Monster Camp to check in. You may be required to wait for a little while, so be prepared.

If you know you're going to be coming late, please let us know asap, and we'll try and work with you to get you in game as quickly as possible, but please remember that people are busy during the beginning of the game in particular.


As normal Ryan. ;) We'll work on getting you into game as soon as possible, but if you're running late, take a look at what's going on. If there are people at Monster Camp, you can check in then get your stuff set up. If it looks like all the PCs are out on the field, get set up first. AKA, play it a little by ear and we'll help as best we can with what's going on.
In addition: the following LCO rules will be in effect:
We will be using the Healed call again if something is healed by an effect other than healing or necromancy. You no longer have to ask if something was healed.

Alternate dragon magic incants may be on the field. They will always be followed by the standard delivery qualifier effect. "I call upon the ever decaying echo to destroy your magics: Spell Destroy Formal Magic Earth!" (throws packet). All appropriate defenses may be used (Spell Shield, Dodge, etc) and the player (not the character) may choose to resurrect rather than take the effect should you so choose. (Example: You really don't want to play an undead and get hit with a "Transform to Undead" ritual.)

We will endeavor to use the flag system by Monster Camp:
Green - Come at us yo! We're ready for basically anything.
Yellow - We could use some help. If you bring in an info card, you may be asked to double hook for the group behind you, and we probably need some people to double hook for a big fight.
Red - We are "all hands on deck" doing something. Might be a big fight, or a big scene. Please don't bring info cards during those times.

We've had some issues with advance scouting the past couple of games. One of the ideas of us doing living world things out in the forest is to reduce the "theater of the mind" stuff from scouting. If you want to go "scouting" so you can double hook for us, or you OOG are looking for how much time before something we're prepping for goes off, that's great, and if we have the ability, we'll give it a bit of flavor, but we likely won't be able to do custom scouting mods if we're in yellow or red mode.

Info Cards:
Instead of "Lair Cards" we have "Info Cards" these are fairly self explanatory, if you have the appropriate skill, or are willing to make the appropriate action listed on the front, you can flip to the back and read the appropriate section. It will then say what to do with it. (Take a component from the bag. Return to Monster Camp. Take "x" effect. Etc.) A friendly reminder, just because it says you can do a thing, doesn't mean you have to. If the Info Card says "This looks like a pit of swirling chaotic death energies" and one of the options is "Want to jump in". The response may just be "Your spirit is immediately shattered. Report to Monster Camp." (That card doesn't exist and I'm exaggerating for effect), but Info Cards, without Monster Camp interaction, can be dangerous on their own.

If you die:
If you die, report to Monster Camp before going to the circle. Plot wants to talk to you about what happened, go over if there was something that happened that was an error or accidental over-scaling, or similar. If it sounds like everything was good, and you just got dead, it will count on your card. If something was hinky with it, you'll still resurrect, but it won't "stick" to your card. There will also be an RP component to this that is world relevant.

There are rolling tags:
If you end up with a rolling tag, they'll have timers. When you hit the time you scroll down to that new progressive effect and go with it. If you can, avoid scrolling "ahead".
E.G. Rolling tag: the Trots. (made up on the spot)
When you get this, your tummy is rumbly.
1 hour - take a Enfeeble(Nausea) effect about once an hour - may be cured as normal
4 hour - take an Enfeeble(Nausea) effect that lasts 1 hour - may not be cured, your character feels very sick and has to use the bathroom a lot.
5 hours - Take a Weakness effect that lasts 5 hours and cannot be cured. Discard this tag.

Reminder: Except for Charm, Subjugate, Prison, Create Undead, and Corrupt, de-buff and take-out effects only last 5 minutes. So in our above Enfeeble example, it only lasts 5 minutes for the 1 hour mark unroll portion.
Unconsciousness only lasts 1 minute now, and then you get up with 1 body point.

I _think_ that covers all the opening ceremony reminders in advance, just in case you're late to site.

Love you all, and looking forward to a great game.
I currently have a bunch of questions out to the "new person" contact, but would like to know if I'd be able to participate as an NPC this weekend to learn more about the game before jumping all the way in? If yes, is there anything critical I should be bringing? (I already know to bring basic camping items such as toiletries and bedding, and possibly $20 for food?). I should be able to make it there by 8:15-8:45 if traffic permits.

EDIT: Nevermind, I was contacted this evening and shown where to register. Though any item tips would be appreciated.

Thank you!
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Remembered some site safety issues: Camp Kiwanilong has a suspension bridge. It's slick and dangerous to run/fight on. If you have to cross the bridge, call a hold, then everyone move over, and then continue pursuit. No combat among the logs by the fire pit. Don't go out onto the docks for any reason. Watch out for the volleyball net if it's up. Watch out for the circular arena area out by the volleyball net. We have had multiple medical incidents when fighting by the tavern. Please, do not fight by the woodshed on the side by the sand pit, and be extremely careful by the sand pit itself. We have had multiple injuries there over the past couple of years. In addition we're looking at low 40s to mid 50s. It'll be colder than you think, especially after sweating in a combat. Keep safe and keep hydrated to help prevent cold injuries.

@PixiePaladin : Try to dress in basic blacks if you're NPCing. They work as a great base layer for additional costuming that we provide. It's a trope, but bring extra socks, as changing into dry socks really helps deal with the cold. Bring a bit more blankets than you normally would. The cabins can be a bit chilly to understate it. If you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions, let us know for future events. It's a bit late to make major meal adjustments for this one, though we'll do our best with what we have.
My body thanks you that it doesn't need to learn through deductive injuries ;)

I'll probably be able to get to a store in the next few days after work and will pick up some warm wicking black clothing in duplicate! As for special food, I'd say none but my disdain for chilli. ^-^