Opportunities to Help the Chapter (and get Goblin Stamps)

Our Players are great about supporting our game and we want to give you another opportunity to help us out with one or both of these upcoming events.

Demonstration Day
We have been approached by a summer camp about running a demonstration of our game for their campers. We're looking for volunteers to join us on July 28th in Lawrence, Michigan (carpool can be arranged) to serve as NPCs and teachers.

We plan to teach the campers a simplified version of the game, help them create characters, and run a few simple encounters for the kids.

If you're committed to helping out please send Matt an email (Matt@alliancesouthmichigan.com).
If you have questions, let us know here.

Weapon Building
As an extension of this demonstration we also need to rebuild our Monster Camp's supply of non-latex weapons.
To that end, this Saturday (July 7th) we will be holding a weapon building get together at Travis' home (1126 Maxwell Ave, Royal Oak MI) starting at 2:00 pm.
We will bring the weapon making supplies (you're welcome to bring more to donate) and are looking for a people to come out and help us make a bunch of simple weapons.
If you've never made weapons before or worry that you don't make good weapons, fear not. We'll teach you to make better weapons.

We're still accepting Weapon Donations but this event has past.

Both of these gatherings will reward a premium number of Goblin Stamps for participation and as usual excellent support may result in additional rewards.
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Do you have a specific number/type of weapon you are looking to have made?
I can't hang out on the 7th, but i'm sure I can get weapons made and delivered to someplace before the 28th.

We are being pretty non-specific on this one. If you want to get a little elaborate with some short and long weapon types that don’t often occur like functional axes, clubs, hammers, and the like I think that would be very beneficial. Not a ton of course. I just feel we will be working on swords and claws mostly at Monster Garage.

I will update after the 7th of course.
Please let me know here if you can join us for Monster Garage this Saturday.

Also fair warning: I have many wonderful dogs. One of which is a 3.5 month old adorable puppy that may or may not chew on you... adorably.