Original script synopsis for Avatar

Meh. At this point I'd say go for the setting and visuals. They made it worth the time for me, especially since I knew what went into makng them. The way it was filmed was pretty new, so it's unique in that way. It needed a better story, I agree wholeheartedly. But I stil enjoyed it for what it was. So yeah, we get that it was not cool. Can we shut up about it now? I mean seriously, it's just a movie. They all get hyped, and most of them turn out to be average or worse. Whoop dee doo.
wowy319 said:
The way it was filmed was pretty new
Not really, using digital backlots and realistic CGI had a big push 6 years ago: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Able Edwards, Casshern, Immortal, and Sin City all did it (all in 2004 except for Sin City, which was 2005). Hell, Sky Captain even got Laurence Olivier to come back from the dead to film it, which beats out Forrest Gump shaking hands with various dignitaries since it was a complete role rather than some comparatively minor manipulation and voice-dubbing.

3D has come a long way from Jaws 3D, but it still isn't what I want it to be. At its best, it's unnoticeable, and usually its just distracting.
I liked Avatar a lot, and had fun watching it in 3D. I'd certainly recommend it.

But you can't deny the plot was absolutely predictable from the start, and a blatant copy of Pocahontas.

I'm glad it didn't win Best Picture.
Oh yeah, the plot was definitely predictable. I didn't want it to get best picture by a longshot, but I did enjoy it.
Fearless Leader said:
I liked Avatar a lot, and had fun watching it in 3D. I'd certainly recommend it.
Blech. When I hear "3D", I want that to mean I can look at stuff from angles other than the camera, and focus on things other than what the camera has me focusing on. Where's my holodeck, dagnabit?
jpariury said:
Blech. When I hear "3D", I want that to mean I can look at stuff from angles other than the camera, and focus on things other than what the camera has me focusing on. Where's my holodeck, dagnabit?

They're probably keeping it with my flying car. If my Plymouth isn't airborne by 2025, I am writing a very stern letter to Chrysler's R&D department.