Our Money, Any Ideas?

Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Like I say, if this is indeed the "missing magic item", I expect to see a full apology to Aine from Davion, and a bit of one to me as well.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

Nothing I have said is untrue, except for the item being explained as magical. I do not remember where I got the notion that it was magical, but this err has nothing to do with the discussion. If your job was to carry items, and you lost the most important item you had with no more idea than "I must have dropped it somewhere," it still stands to reason you are incapable. If you hired a porter to carry your possessions and he lost your sword with no idea where it went, you'd fire him and find a better porter. Whether he is a thief or clumsy doesn't change the fact your sword is missing.

As for this Ainye person, I do not know who they are nor did I ever mention the name.

If I have three silver and you have one, am I required to give you one so we are equal?

The only reason I partake of this discussion at all is that upon arrival to your town, I was lawfully commanded to share my spoils with the whole town equally. So yes, if we are out on an adventure and you find three silver and I find one, you are lawfully required to give me one so we are equal. As I have said before, I'd rather have the government leave me alone. I came to these lands to escape such "formalities" as systematic injustice. My proposal of a box was one of compromise. I would prefer to avoid being legally bound, dancing like a puppet to a cruel master. Instead I would like to create a community of trust and sharing. I myself am an alchemist capable of making powerful curative and empowering elixirs, as well as weapon coatings capable of giving an edge in battle. I spend a lot of my coin making these elixirs and would prefer people to share with me because of their gratitude for my help. Likewise, I feel gratitude towards those who come to my aid and will return their kindness with whatever aid they need. Only in this manner can we fight effectively. Only with trust can we maximize our ability to fight off the corrupt.

Instead of this trust I have been rewarded with contempt. I helped slay a hulking undead creature and saved a man's life with a potion that costs half a gold in materials (let alone the time and expertise required) and I was rewarded with no spoils or even thanks. I helped slay blade beasts expending two quivers of bolts in the process, yet I received not a single item or thanks.

I cannot operate as a charity, I spend a gold every market day simply to make elixirs and must reclaim my costs on the field of battle.

David_Aselrik said:
I helped slay a hulking undead creature and saved a man's life with a potion that costs half a gold in materials (let alone the time and expertise required) and I was rewarded with no spoils or even thanks. I helped slay blade beasts expending two quivers of bolts in the process, yet I received not a single item or thanks.
And I sunk a few minutes of Earth Storm into the same undead monstrosity, gave away four Shatter scrolls (to a companion of yours, none the less), stood on the front lines of the Blade Eater battles, formed the center of the front line in Corrupt territory, assisted in destroying the tree's undead (upon your request), killed the undead wolf, defended people connecting to the obelisk, and gave my own silver out-of-pocket numerous times to get all the magical things discovered identified. And what was my profit margin from these market days? Roughly negative 29 gold. How much did I get when the collected treasure from the Corrupt land was divided? Nothing. Am I angry? No, because I did what I did and lost what I lost for the good of Fort Miller.

The thing is, regardless of how helpful you were and how much you think you should get, you're not going to get what you want. It's just not going to happen. Regardless of how snazzy and ingenious any box or bag we create to hold the treasure in, someone will always pocket something.

And to speak of desiring trust while calling the carrier of the bag "incapable" is almost laughable. Get your thoughts straight.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
You announce all these boasts so proudly like you were the only one risking your neck these past market days. But by your words, we can see truly how poor this system worked out.
and gave my own silver out-of-pocket numerous times to get all the magical things discovered identified.
I saw only one magic item make it to the town hall to be auctioned, but you paid for numerous magic items to be identified? How interesting. Then you brag about how you charitably spent 29 gold these past market days, but I have to ask, how did you come upon such a wealth? If we went by Jame's earnings, it would take 58 months... 5 years! to earn that much.

First you admit to being blinded by your own greed then ask us to believe you are wise and giving. You have nothing constructive to say, so why are you here? Is it only to proclaim how amazing you think your current system is (the one that has made you fabulously rich and supports your greed?)
If you think I was boasting, may I ask what you think you were doing, if not boasting?

I know for a fact (and others can vouch for me, including Sheriff Woods, D'Rezz, and more) that more than one item was auctioned. There was (at least) a pendant, a bracelet, a mirror, and a staff. You were merely not present at the auction, perhaps off at your cabin. In future, I ask you to speak of what you know, not what you think you know.

As to how I gained my wealth, I am a merchant, and I have traded and sold much in both Gaden and Wayside. But my specific monetary dealings are extensive and my own business. Do you go around asking how everyone who has gold how they came by it, feeding them a sob story about James? In fact, James doesn't even use a sob story about James. And once more, I don't hear James complaining about my wealth; I hear you, a person overly concerned about getting a fair share.

Considering what you have offered to the conversation as a whole is relatively summed up by "I don't trust the carrier of our money and I want a share of what's found", I fail to see how I am the one blinded by greed.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
well... as much as this discussion is constructive and all, i think the original idea of an idea of fair loot splitting is something that never got resolved.

i know i might not much care, it was just interesting to note, but alyce and aine worked pretty hard last time to come up with a splitting system, and it stressed them out. so how about we go back to the not stressing over loot thing, that is kind of against the point of the whole topic.

BTW slander is an actual punishable offense, just in case sheriff fern wants to peruse the dreamworlds.

so yeah... as much as i hate to surrender to local authority, if we can't actually discuss this issue, it might just have to be left up to them to do or not do anything about it because this has definitely crossed the line

i know i have myself so i am trying to keep it from happening again

-James the inconceivable of Harbors Far
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
I know for a fact (and others can vouch for me, including Sheriff Woods, D'Rezz, and more) that more than one item was auctioned. There was (at least) a pendant, a bracelet, a mirror, and a staff. You were merely not present at the auction, perhaps off at your cabin. In future, I ask you to speak of what you know, not what you think you know.

Now don't think I'm goin' against you here but I think very few people were at that auction. I 'ad specifically asked Fern t' let me know when it was gonna 'appen and I didn' find out until it was over. You'll recall me comin' up and askin' about it. I would suggest a larger announcement in the future- the seller will likely receive better prices as a reward. (And rather than continue this discussion here anyone is welcome to contact me privately with disagreements, t' better stay on topic 'ere.)

But back t' the subject at 'and (and thank you James for gettin' it there)- I think that this is comin' up now because in the past things 'ave been stolen and magic items 'ave gone missin'. When I came 'ere I saw it 'appen my very first day. We want t' stop this be'avior- and stop all the accusations that come along with it. They only serve to divide us further.

Now, t' Gandian and Davion I must say, there is no law that says you must be friends. In fact I think we can see you both 'ave valid points. When I recheck your thoughts I think you are even both comin' from the same place- neither wants t' see people arguin' about loot. And really, that's wot we all want.

So, t' make things easy let's just give this box thing a try, along with the ledger of item worth (which is good to 'ave for the town anyway), and tally of who is engaging in the fight. Of course when it comes t' small fights none of this need apply and each group can divy things up 'owever they like.

In the future for the big fights, can we let the town know when items of possible magic or even monetary worth are grabbed please? Even if they're goin' t' be returned it would 'elp t' stop people from thinkin' the wrong thing. I for one don't want t' see Gandian or anyone else accused unjustly.

-Miss Alyce Sharp

Edited: Because I have an editing disorder. ^_^

I appreciate the layup and you're right, there are repurcusions for dreaming violent, brutish, or otherwise acidic messges and those repurcusions can go so far as to involve the law.

However, I cant really arrest someone over the dream realms, nor can I collect a fine. Besides, If I say anything at all, I'll be skewered for being too "autocratic" a part of the "political machine" or "oppressive". Frankly, if arrests need be made, they will be and I don't much care what the person says, you can complain all you want all the way to your cell.

Fact is, in recent days, I have been called all sorts of names, my business threatened, my judgement questioned and my health threatened directly and indirectly. As theres a lot of new people in town, I'd prefer to work with the new arrivals to include them into our community rather than work at odds with them and try to arrest everyone that steps out of line for every infraction they might or might not know about. I'd like to help the newer arrivals feel like they have a chance to make changes, to take part in ownership, and to feel as though they themselves will be protected by the law, not merely subject to it.

This does require that new arrivals actually be willing to work within the boundaries of our community. In order for it to work, it means the majority should want franchise and peacefull cooperation and it does require some measure of respect for authority. Note, I didnt say cowtow to the guardians, they don't stand on formality and neither do I, I said respect. In in giving respect one can hope to gain respect, and slowly trust, and that trust can bloom to friendship and those friendships leveraged towards positive changes for the good of plenty.

Of course, it also requires a healthy dose of patience, understanding and willingness to accept other viewpoints on the part of the incumbents of Hope's Reach. I think some are trying, some may need to revisit their host lessons and some are going above and beyond and meeting with several degrees of success from outright to dismal. It is required of me to help make that change to the best of my ability and I will work to resolve any legal matters if they are brought to me privately. I also know that the Guardians are willing to listen to concerns and willing to work on growing the trust between old and new. I am not saying we are perfect, far from it, but we have begun the process with the agreement concerning the Hucksters, and will continue to work towards progress.

It does us no good for anyone to come to our home and assume that because they beleive they are worthy of praise they are, or because they feel they worked hard they should be able to underscore the efforts of all. It does no good to cast suspicion to several people, accuse others, and deride the efforts of all those present in favor of fanning ones own flame. Calling down injustice at every turn can be likened to peter and the wolf... fairly soon no one will listen.

My advice would be not to use these dream realms as a platform for accusation or heated debate but as a means of information and building a community. The accusations, if they are required should be made in private so an investigation can be launched, evidence found and an arrest made. Or perhaps, just for a short while, interpersonal issues the likes of which we have been dealing with should be dealt in a personal matter before they are announced as fact. Doing so is a first step to peace amongst us.

Fern Woods
Sherrif of Hope's Reach
Now that I know what I am being accused of, I can allay these accusations.

In the middle of the fight, when the bundle was found, it was handed to me to carry. As a healer, carrying a bundle of clothing and whatever else weighs you down as much as it does a fighter. The best I could do on short notice was to wrap it as quickly and as best I could and try to keep it together. It would not fit in my bag, nor in anyone elses bag except, perhaps, Gabriel's, but at the time I could not find him. I made do with what I could.

In the chaos of battle, the only thing I was told was to hang on to the bundle and that it belonged to someone who had already dissipated. Nobody mentioned a necklace or heirloom until we were back at the tavern. I would like to note, however, that there was a letter discovered that was returned to the gentleman that asked us to find his father. That might have brought him some peace.

I would like to state that this could have happened with anyone. Do not hold it against me that fate, lack of information and a chaotic battle may have ended in something being lost.

Well said Fern

-Thorador Boulderfist
So it is settled then alyce? you have what you think is good? i like it too. you should talk to mcgregor and see if he is okay going with it. i think he is cooking up his own version anyways

-James the inconceivable of Harbors Far
Excellent words Sherrif Woods!

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith & Guardian of Hope's Reach
A summery as I see it.

The Information we need before each adventure:
-Who aided us on the quest
-Who is carrying the treasure
-Who should mainly focus on looting

How loot is handled while on an adventure:
-Have a box/bag that discourages possible stealing
-Have someone that is not on the forntlines, that the majority of folk trust, to hold the treasure bag.
-We give our loot to this person, also for the most part there is a few designated looters thats main job is looting.

Splitting the loot after the quest is completed:
-Make sure everyone that wishes to partake in buying items is told when it starts, checklist for those that pass on buying.
-identify market value of all scrolls, potions, gasses, and so on
---Then sell items for stated value, only auctioning if multiple people want the item

-Determine fair base price for components, formal scrolls and magic items, and then auction said items off.
-split coin evenly and distribute =D

I believe this is more or less the summery of this discussions conclusion on loot. If I am wrong somehow point it out.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Nope, I'd say that about sums it up.

I cannot tell you 'ow glad I am to 'ave seen so many good ideas- and not just from one person either. I am 'appy knowin' we live in a communi'y where every voice can be 'eard.

Discussion and debate always 'as a few bumps but we made it through with the begginin's of a new system t' show for it. Great work guys!

-Miss Alyce Sharp,
Owner of Alyce's Bits & Baubles