I have avoided speaking up in this matter for a long while now, merely listening and thinking, and I now feel that I should give my opinion.
As a person who has earned many a coin and discovered many a wonderful trinket, I have seen the lure that wealth tempts us all with. Indeed, it was for good reason that I was given a reputation as one of Hope's Reach's greediest people (a reputation I still possess for some reason, despite what I believe to be evidence to the contrary). However, I must say that from what I saw last market days, I truly believe I no longer deserve this title compared to all the people who are bustling hither and thither over what was found, arguing over "a safe carrier" and even developing special boxes and bags.
When I resurrected a few months ago, I was left with almost none of my previous assets and equipment. I even lost two magic items (which seem to have recently become something that must be quarreled over and auctioned whenever they are found, regardless of how the finding came about). Did I, "Gandian the Greedy", care? Hardly. I realized that it was all something I could get again, though my spirit may not be strong enough to undertake a few more resurrections. Is squabbling over who gets 4 silver, 5 ...copper, and a Cure Disease potion really worth it? Be thankful you escaped with your life (if you did) and take a small bit of loot, not as payment for your presence at the time, but as what you think you need to keep yourself fed and armed (either for fighting or for healing) and what you deserve. If someone really did do more than you in the struggle against the Corrupt, let them have a slightly better share. Don't bicker and whine because some got 2 silver and you got 1 silver and 8 ...copper, just accept it.
Another thing: I hardly see what the commotion over components, formal scrolls, and magic items is about. I know two Hope's Reach adventurers who can use the components and scrolls, neither of whom were present during this last market day. As for magic items, they are useful, but there are not something to get enraged about if they are lost (I say this specifically to you, Davion). You can't miss what you never had. What even was this magic item that supposedly went missing? And how do you even know it was magical? I know people who pick up trinkets all the time that turn out not to be magical (namely Gabriel), and I myself have something once believed to be magical and is nothing more than a snazzy looking turtle.
All in all, I say this whole ordeal could be avoided if people just realized there is no such thing as a fair share and that scrolls, components, and potentially magic items are not the most important thing. Destroying the node should have been enough of a reward.
Well, let the retorting begin,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft