Our New Regent


Public Relations Committee
Has anyone seen our Regent Captian General Cole? The paper has stated that he went missing, and I have not meet with him. I am concerned that he has been gone for such a long time. If anyone has any news, please let me know.

Many Thanks,
Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
We will all keep eyes and ears open, dear. All we can do right now. Waters are beginning to freeze, driving me to warmer climes. I would be dhere to help if I could be.

Anyone know where he was headed for?

Fortune Find Him Before Any Other,

He was doing a tour of his lands, and hasn't been seen since. I do not recall where he was last seen, but I shall ask about the tavern.
Thank you Marce and Millie. I plan upon packing my bags and moving to Arbour to serve the regency as best that I can. With no other Masters and our regent missing, I will do my best to represent Briarpass.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
If your referring to Captain General Joseph Micheal Cole then i hate to have to tell you that he's dead.
He died protecting the group of refuges that we rescued this past market day.
He's the one that put up the haven of the living but died shortly there after.

Sounds like the usual evil and Undead...

-Mage Eldarion Avari