Our sad website needs your help T_T

So first things first. In the 20 minutes I've been working on it, this is what the website looks like.


I'm really lazy, and really don't want to write copy for the website, and since our playerbase is awesome, I figured I'd just make them do it. Please answer the following questions:

How would you describe what we do on weekends to someone who has never played or heard of NERO?

How would you describe South Michigan as a chapter?

Describe a typical weekend at NERO.

I know, that last one wasn't a question, but you get the right idea.

Thanks for the help,

Has anyone thought of making a 'group' page on one of the social networking sites like Facebook? It's free web hosting for pictures and announcements. You do need a facebook account to become a member, but that's easy enough.

I am not suggesting this to the exclusion of a real website, just an idea to get free exposure.

I have pictures from the last event. What is the easiest way to get them to you or can I simply post them on picasa myself?

-Brigit (Sloane)
No big deal. Matt had asked for the pictures too and when I tried to send them to him they were bounced back because of file size. I hadn't heard whether you got them or not so I figured I'd check. See you all Friday!

In addition to sending your pictures to plot can you also send any pictures to me. Im taking a computer graphics class in a couple weeks and I wouldn't mind playing around with some of them. danielsrt@gmail.com
