((Time spent in Geistbadden reveals the guardsmen stationed in town talk. A lot. The following are snippets of conversation travelers may catch in passing.))
"No one's really sure what the spirit stones are. Some folks say they're just magical rocks; others think they contain a part of someone's spirit."
"I don't know about you, but when in doubt I'm certain an act of sacrifice can go a long way."
"You seen that Kantil fella'? Guy's in love with Penhawe and he's got it bad. Next thing you know he'll be trying to produce some kind of dragon heir."
"There's gotta' be more to the Baron than we're seeing."
"Have you noticed the undead won't go neat that pyre?"
"'I've heard that some guilds are getting a little... hostile with non-members."
"That Scorpion elf doesn't seem to take too kindly to the mistwalker Shahbanu. Can't for the life of me understand why."
"If there is one thing I know, it's that hoblings are always - always - bad news."
"So, what did those chaos elementals want last month, anyway? I heard one of 'em was sending out some nasty whispering winds."
"Why are all the travelers so wary of saying Wellorg's name? Don't they know he's got way more important things to worry about than who's talking about him?"
"No one's really sure what the spirit stones are. Some folks say they're just magical rocks; others think they contain a part of someone's spirit."
"I don't know about you, but when in doubt I'm certain an act of sacrifice can go a long way."
"You seen that Kantil fella'? Guy's in love with Penhawe and he's got it bad. Next thing you know he'll be trying to produce some kind of dragon heir."
"There's gotta' be more to the Baron than we're seeing."
"Have you noticed the undead won't go neat that pyre?"
"'I've heard that some guilds are getting a little... hostile with non-members."
"That Scorpion elf doesn't seem to take too kindly to the mistwalker Shahbanu. Can't for the life of me understand why."
"If there is one thing I know, it's that hoblings are always - always - bad news."
"So, what did those chaos elementals want last month, anyway? I heard one of 'em was sending out some nasty whispering winds."
"Why are all the travelers so wary of saying Wellorg's name? Don't they know he's got way more important things to worry about than who's talking about him?"