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Dang, hope the rest of you were nice to Lazarith! Stephen just hit 14! Congrats kiddo!
NOOOOO!!!!! *sniff* why me?? anyways congrats

Diera said:
Dang, hope the rest of you were nice to Lazarith! Stephen just hit 14! Congrats kiddo!

Lazarith is not played by Stephen and Stephen's birthday is in June and to the best of my knowledge will still be shy of 14.


Happy Birthday to Jordan!!!!!
Just because my character has a mind like a steel trap, doesn't mean *I* do. I stand corrected. Happy b-day Jordan. Congrats on not being a page anymore.
Congrats Jordon!! If you would like any speciality weapons for your character, let me and Jon know. I've got this great idea for a boffer-safe fish-on-a-stick, and I'd love to have a reason to build it. We might be willing to give you a small discount for your B-day ^_^
Will the fish have a spike through it..........
..with a spike in it! of course! everything needs a spike, right hayley?
Actually no! This is going to be a blunt weapon *smiles proudly*

Unless of course, it needs to be edged...then I'l put a spike through it.
OOHHH a blunt weapon! I can use that!!!
Thank you everyone. It sort of sucks though because I might not get to play it until after June.
Oh and Hayley I might take you up on that deal for a fish on a stick. It would go with my new otter scavenger character so well.