Here's what we're going to go with for this event, so PCs are aware ( I will go over this at opening ceremonies as well ). This is an experiment that we're trying out to see how well it works. After the event, please bring up any concerns you have about how it worked so we can try to iron them out - we don't know for sure how this will work but it seems to be a reasonable compromise between IG risk and OOG necessities.
-Val, when outside the tavern, must hand her life tag off to someone else (similar to Fate of Party). She must stay in view of that person and should that person be in a combat area Val must put on her OOG headband. If she knows combat is coming in and is in the tavern, she may choose to hand her life tag off in a similar fashion but *must* put her OOG headband on immediately.
-Val is vulnerable to PCs in normal page fashion when she is IG. If she has not yet reclaimed her life tag from someone when this happens (right after a mod when she has just returned to the tavern for instance, or during a mod between combats when the rest of the party is arguing over loot and someone decides to slip Val a knife), a marshal will be asked to reclaim the life tag from the person holding it.
-If Val has not handed off her life tag (i.e. is in the tavern) she is vulnerable to normal page rules. Should a fight break out when she has not put on her OOG headband she will not be allowed to call a hold to put on the headband and pass her tag off.
If you're an NPC, Val is off-limits when she is outside the tavern (her life tag will be with someone else, and during combat she will put an OOG headband on) and when she is inside the tavern wearing an OOG headband (as anyone wearing an OOG headband would be). When Val is in the tavern and has a page headband on, she may be interacted with as per normal (non-packet) page rules.
If you're a PC, you may interact normally with Val whenever she is not OOG. This means that you may use normal (non-packet) page rules should you wish to use combat techniques against her character.
If the person carrying Val's life tag dies, they will need to be prepared to keep track of both death counts. Each affected tag (the character's life tag and Val's life tag) will require a separate Life spell. Other than this, Val's character will be completely OOG during combats dealing with the person she has handed her life tag off to.
Again, I will go over these issues at opening ceremonies. If you're an NPC you should be reminded of these rules from your Monster Marshals. If you're a PC, it's pretty simple - if Val is not OOG, you can interact with her using normal page rules.