Pardon a poor Romani a moment of your time


Excuse me freends from Valdanis
It shames me to bring dhis matter here, but a few of my friends from these lands where visiting when some eevents ov not occurred.
I do not really suspect any folk from dhese lands where directly involved but my sense of honor dictates I should bring this here too since some of you may feel involved.

As I announced to dhe residents of Wayside

I know somevun took dhe treasure dhat ve got from dhe big turtle.
I von't even go into how angry dhis make me, after I try to give lesson on rewards of good deeds.
Dher where meeny on dhat mission to whom dhat treasure may be important.
Dhey may have been hoping to buy dhe first scroll dhey ever get, or maybe after losing weapons and equipment to the Were-beast incident would need their small share to get started again.
It is dhese ones you hurt when you take like dhis, not me. So I vill do special one time offer.
By my honor and blood as a Romani if you contact me by pigeon, or in person before I wake on the first morning of our upcoming market day, and return what was "accidently misplaced" I vill tell no one of your involvement.
If you cannot meet me in person, this vow will only stand if you make the returns within a reasonable time.
By my blood I give you this chance only once, and you and I will know this secret between one another, and I suspect you vill want to make sure such accidents never happen again.
If you do not do this, then by my blood I swear that I will bend all my efforts and all those I can muster to exposing your deeds, for if you are not repentant than you should be proud of what you have done, and all Fortanis should see.
Do not think that I start this quest from ignorance, I have good information regarding this indiscretion vut choose to give a chance to improve your karma, and find peace with fate, do not doubt it is your destiny to be revealed.

Dhank you friends for your time, and I hope to see you all back again, perhaps with less tragic outcomes

O yeah Maxwell, really I've asked around, eets impossible to dress properly in dee spirit realm so no more deaths got eet.
Ya, plans like this never work, but good luck on your witch hunt.

A. Runebeard
Ordo Tempestus
I can vouch for all of my guild mates. It was not one of us who took the turtle trove. I hate when things like this go down. I will add to your offer Milosh. If someone doesn't take Milosh up on his offer and I do find out who did it I will be more than happy to tell everyone. I might even come up with a special present of my own for them.

I haven't seen you in many moons, how does the sun favor you these days? I am sorry to hear about your turtle trove. I don't know what it is, but I will keep my eyes and ears open for information. You should visit soon.

Ahh Verdias my friend it has been too long.
Sadly it seems the caravans I travel with rarely go mist travelling.
However, I am hoping to come and visit your lands about the harvest time and will hope to see you then.

As for our leetle turtle trove, we had recovered some treasure from a barbarian totem spirit we freed, at least I think that is what we did.
We had a leetle problem when some of the adventurers were overcome by lycanthropy and were distracted from handling it.
It then went missing. Honestly had the culprit simply lifted a few extra coins to fill their pockets, I can not say I would approve, but these things happen.
However that very evening, I had just gone to some great trouble and expense to demonstrate how one can earn rewards from selflessness as much as from greed.
So I took some extra personal offense. Also among the stolen materials were 2 scrolls, a spirit forge, and an expanded enchantment, and a magic brooch that cast harm undead.
Thus the theft was not a minor one.
I am still hopeful that a positive lesson can come from this but we shall see.

Rezzik, I am sad that I was barely able to see you this last market day. Missing the coming of a friend is a sad thing indeed. At least I was able to spend some time with cousin Maxwell and Bob.
Trust me that I have no doubt that the House of Games was in no way responsible for this.
I did think though that since your group had been with us, and did suffer some from the events surrounding it, that you all and your land deserved to hear of what was being done and act as you saw fit. Your support is appreciated and will be remembered. Sadly I have no group to bind to this promise and my own family is in great decline, hopefully it is still thought that the friendship of a Romani has some value.

New friend Runbeard, I will simply thank you for the good wishes and note that if all goes well I aim to avoid a witch hunt not start one.

It was great to see you and sell you things. I am sorry that my unfortunate transformation to a lycanthrope has had other far reaching effects. Let me just say that you are correct, HoG had nothing to do with this, but will be happy to help teach the positive lesson you are referring to. I would like to point out that I do plan on traveling to Wayside in the very near future to cast a spirit forge. Should an affidavit of sale or something be required, I will be happy to produce it. This particular scroll was obtained at the large gather in Vandlar while visiting Desha Vitara. I have spoke to Jehan about casting it back 3 to 4 moons ago, should you need a further witness.

Otherwise I will keep my eyes peeled and my ears to the ground and let you know what I come up with.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
MILOSH! It has been too long!! Are you coming again to Valdanis? I have been in Ebrindale hard at work and could nye make it last. My son informs me that much happened. Something lovely about lycanthropes, nye? :shock:

Fortune Find You,
