Paul Iverson Transportation Available for those needing a ri

After much money being spent, my car is in top condition to be driven in the most hazardous conditions. This means that I will have 2-3 seats available for people to join in my car. If you are interested, send me a private message and i will get back to you ASAP. My only charge is 5-10 dollars for gas (it takes 45 dollars to make it to Marysville, WA and back, so if i have a full 4 person load, then it should take about 35 dollars to get from Beaverton OR to Millers.)

I know this is short notice, but hey, it wouldnt be an event if there wasnt something (good or bad) that happens last minute, right? *laughs*

Paul Iverson
Good, glad you could make it. Sorry about not being able to offer you a ride, again.

But I can get you a couple of spare weapon phys reps if you need them. I'll pack them in any case, and if you have enough, so much the better.

See you tomorrow, other Paul.