Payment for Informative Summaries of April 26th-28th


I will render coin or services for written information for accounts regarding the events of April 26-28 that befall those staying in or near Fort Alliance, or we're carried out by them.

At this time this is a personal project, though I expect in the future official funding will exist.

Compensation will begin at 3 silver for a small episode worth of tale & increase by that quanta in degrees of depth.

I am also willing to barter my skills as a merchant, Celestialist, and advocate or find other terms agreeable to the writer.

I understand some information may be sensitive and will keep it according to the wishes of the teller, but do aim to present and keep a public record of our gathers.

-Askeksa Firstforest
Mage's Guild
The Council
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Come find me either before next gather or towards the beginnin' of next gather.

I'll be happy to fill ye in free of charge.

-Squire Hildr' of House Phoenix
Totem of Hawk
Squire Hildr'

It will be so. Your words are always welcome and a free exchange of information is most desirable.


You know where to find me. I have a bit to tell.

-Brother Faux