PC cross over for June Rewards


So I think we have made this pretty clear, but damn, a bunch of you crossed over this game to help NPC. We had over 90 hours of PCs jumping ship to help NPC this last month. It was pretty incredible. To help keep this up for June and a bit of a thank you to all the PCs that normally cross over, we are going to have another incentive for June (maybe beyond June, I'll see how it goes).

For the month of June, if you jump over to NPC, for each hour of NPCing you do, you will get one entry into a raffle that I'm going to do at closing ceremonies. To get entered, you just need to make sure you sign in to your NPC shift on the blue sheet in NPC camp.

I'll be giving away with this raffle, one LCO magic item (my choice!) off the NPC pick list. If we get over 80 hours of PCs jumping over for June, I'll draw a second name and throw in a second prize of a free Reward of Fortannis (https://www.alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/rewards-of-fortannis.32221/) for the July game.

If you are interested in taking an NPC shift, you can give plot a heads up in case there is a time they'd prefer, or just pop down into NPC camp. It's always good if you please bring your own blacks for your shift.

Thank you once again to everyone who gives back to this game, it wouldn't be able to function without our community.

So I don't know how much work this would be for plot team, but I am much more interested in NPC'ing if I have an idea of what I was signing up for in advance, especially if there were specific roles that needed to be filled that I could sign up for. If plot posted a list of what kind of roles were needed at what time that we could sign up for in advance it would be great, but at the same time I understand how that would be spoiler-ish for what's happening and when during the event.
Or maybe e-mail them saying "these are the types of roles i might be interested in" and then they can look through and ask you to NPC at a certain time? Would that help?
Or maybe e-mail them saying "these are the types of roles i might be interested in" and then they can look through and ask you to NPC at a certain time? Would that help?

It's a possibility but how many caveats can I put on a NPC role and not be a ****?

For instance: I want to play a NPC caster with some role play opportunities some time on Saturday evening but not during a large battle that involves treasure bag because I don't want to lose out on my split of the loot, and not between 6 and 7 because that's when we're having dinner, and I have this mod I'm going on at 11 so it' can't be then.

It would be much easier to look over a list and see oh there's a NPC caster for a small encounter or mod from 8 to 9. I'll do that.
We're happy to do what we can to work with PC volunteers to accommodate their wishes -- and in general, for repeat volunteers, we do remember and try to take you preferences into account. Those teams that have volunteered to play monster tribes competing for the Vysen role have given me their Top 3 lists of encounters/stories they really don't want to miss. Team Prometheus, and I in particular, try really hard to balance things so nobody misses anything cool.

We get more than 10 players each event holding exactly the negotiations you suggest, and we work really hard to schedule PCs around encounters that Plot knows might be of interest, even if we can say only, "2-4 might be a time you want to stay in-game as your PC." Most of the time we can work something out, and find the right time, right type of role -- sometimes it doesn't work out for a given player at a given event, and that's okay, too. We sure appreciate everyone's willingness to come back and volunteer at another event when it's more convenient.

The Plot Team is highly unlikely ever to release a public list of stories and encounters running during the weekend, as that would most certainly constitute a spoiler for players. I think more players would find that to be more of a bummer than a welcome convenience in encounter scheduling (much as I do see its advantage there).

Team Prometheus
2017 Acarthia Plot
So I put together the spreadsheet of hours. 72 hours of PC cross overs this month! We didn't quite hit the 80 hour mark for the Blessing of Fortannis. Anyway, I did the rand this morning with Jay and Puck watching me, and the winner is Devorah Mack. The item she gets is a 1 year Purify 1/day item. Yay!

Anyway, I hope to do this again for July, so please think about taking a short NPC shift if you can.
