A place to discuss the good, the bad, and ugly of PC vs. PC. A place to to discuss everyone's valid opinions- This thread is should not be used to dircetly convince others to your side of the table on this topic or attack others opinions on the subject. Share what you like or dislike about it, but don't expect to change anyone's views. Let people read what you have to say and draw their own conculsions.
Off-topic: I attempted to split this from the NERO Society thread and it all just- vanished. Proof that I am not a morning person and I should not attmept to be helpful when I wake up this early. If I can find the missing threads I will repost them or at worst restore them to the old thread.
Actually at worst is not finding them and they are lost in the ether forever.... bye bye sad missing posts. <-- proof I need more sleep.
Off-topic: I attempted to split this from the NERO Society thread and it all just- vanished. Proof that I am not a morning person and I should not attmept to be helpful when I wake up this early. If I can find the missing threads I will repost them or at worst restore them to the old thread.
Actually at worst is not finding them and they are lost in the ether forever.... bye bye sad missing posts. <-- proof I need more sleep.