People needed for Alliance instructional videos


Hey folks,
I am making a series of Alliance, how-to videos and I need people with the following things to be in them:
1. Knowledge of the Alliance rule system
2. Legit costume
3. Your own weapons and armor
A little bit of acting experience wouldn't hurt but not necessary. You just need to be able to demonstrate proper alliance combat, roleplaying, casting, etc.
Reply here if you are interested.
As you know, I am always happy to help. :) Just text me when. :D
If only you didn't live so far away. :(
All my new friends are making OR my place to go if the poo ever hits the fan here.
what i wear isnt all that great but i will help if i can still.

Bah! Bah on you all! Huzzah for Seattleism!! Huzzah!

prashka said:
Bah! Bah on you all! Huzzah for Seattleism!! Huzzah!

Bah? Bah, you say? Your city doesn't even have a grossly overpriced aerial tram! So suck on that, Seattle!
I would be down for that. I have experience acting as well as weapons and armor. Also I have a pretty good knowledge of the rules. I am working on my new costume, but I have an older one that should work.