
Hey I KNOW I saw some folks out there with camera/s at the last event... And I'd love to see some pictures! :) So any word on the posting of those on either facebook or other websites?
Any hope, word, sound out there?
From what I remember, Joy was using Dave's camera (I could have that wrong, she might've been using her own). Alex's parents snapped a few photos of them too, but that was all pre-game.
I'm going through the night photos currently, unfortunately with as dark as it was only a few came out well, we are still waiting to get the pictures from Joys camera which had the Day time shots.
yay! I will wait excitedly... :)
Alright, I have the camera, just having a bit of trouble with my USB cable for it. That's what I get for buying a refurbished camera. I'll have them up here soonish.
cool! I'm eager to see :)
Got that cable workin yet? I could send one! :)
Sorry for the delay. First week of school has run me ragged, but the insomnia is in full swing tonight, so I have time to do this.

There you go!
Sweet! thanks a bunch man.