Pittsburgh? Alberta?


Just curious - did Oregon and SF team up to take out Pittsburgh or something? I looked down at the boards, and yeah, the Ohio board is gone... but so is Pittsburgh. Are they offline too? Side note - has anyone heard from the Alberta chapter lately? Are they still online?
Nope, not us.

It was mentioned that another chapter was withdrawing from the Alliance of their own volition in the now gone Ohio boards. Looks like it was Pittsburgh.
I assume Alberta took the winter off. As for Pittsburgh, they are not listed on the main website's current chapter list.
I think Canadians Hibernate from September to roughly mid May?
It was us. We wanted to give another chapter the "People's Elbow" and we had to do it to Alberta.
It had to be them, 'cause, you know, 'cause they're socialist.
I wondered about Alberta because, well, besides BtB, who is a TC player, no one has posted on their boards in four months....
Yeah, but it doesn't seem like they're really freaking out over it.

Besides, not everybody uses these boards. Before buying a chapter I actually went years without posting.

Deadlands said:
Yeah, but it doesn't seem like they're really freaking out over it.

Besides, not everybody uses these boards. Before buying a chapter I actually went years without posting.


And I've never really posted constructively.

Somehow I never even realized there was a Pittsburgh chapter. The more you know, eh?
xaskus said:
We are still alive and kicking in Alberta and also the snow is still at least knee high.


See? Nothing to worry about.

Just snow. Ungodly amounts of snow.
Pittsburgh's listed site is also in 404ville.

Does this mean a similar character transfer like ex-Ohio's is in the works?

(edit note: Heck, did they even hold an event?)
Fearless Leader said:
Were there any characters yet in Pittsburgh's database?

Hivemind, I edited my post while you were posting with the same question. :p

No idea. If they never got that far, it's a moot point and Pittsburgh was vaporware.