Place to Stay This Market Day


I'm going to be around this market day, and well, I'm looking for a place to crash. Rocks and moss are nice and all... but it's getting too cold to sleep under the stars. Would anyone be willing to allow me to stay with them? Or are there any rooms for rent?

Thanks in advance,

"Complex" Healer
Eric Marsters,

I know that Jara has a room for rent and it is warded. I do not know which cabin that I will be staying in, but if you need somewhere to stay; you may stay in my cabin.

Please let me know as soon as you reach a decision.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow

Will you be warding the cabin where I'd be able to sleep? I'd rather sleep near other adventurers, but I also want to be in a ward...


What is your add version to Star Magic? I know that there are many things that can come through a ward, but, I sleep behind one. I know that Kyrie and Hengin also do not like to sleep behind a ward. I still do not know which cabin I will be sleeping in but, if you and others who would like to stay in the cabin with myself and others would prefer the cabin not to be warded we can make those arrangments.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
Pokethulu said:

What is your add version to Star Magic? I know that there are many things that can come through a ward, but, I sleep behind one. I know that Kyrie and Hengin also do not like to sleep behind a ward. I still do not know which cabin I will be sleeping in but, if you and others who would like to stay in the cabin with myself and others would prefer the cabin not to be warded we can make those arrangments.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow


Quite the opposite - I WANT to be in a ward. I would just prefer to be in a ward with other adventurers, over a ward separated from everyone. With everything out there... I'd rather make sure I'm around in case someone needs a healing hand (or Shield spell, if it's Hengin), instead of being a five minute walk away.

Eric, mon ami, I will be late arriving into town in a few days, an' 'pon my arrival ah was intending to set up camp in de unclaimed end o' de buildin' what backs up again'st the woods instead o' de river an' once ah got it properly decorated an such, Ward it. If you don' mind sharin' wit' a Dark Elf and a Rom, you can find yo'self some space on de floor, an' can repay me bah makin' shore no one else stow dey gear dere afore ah can ge dere. Deal?


