Place your orders now!!!


Hello Young Masters and Mistresses,

As the seasons turn to permit me to travel to the market days in your lands I grow restive with my idle hands. So to keep me from cabin fever and to get a great rate, please put your orders in now. I deal in alchemy, potions, scrolls and blacksmithing. I can make anything and given enough time as much of it as you want. I have a few market days to attend before Prath Moore's, so I have time to stock up and batch. Just send me a list and I will send you a quote back on how much it will be.

Just to make it interesting, I am offering a special on Cure Mortal potions, 5 silver each (they are normally 6 silver). Currently that is the only special I have, but my rates get better the more you order.

I also deal in ritual magics and buy and sell mundane and mystical things. Currently I am looking for components and will make you a sweet trade in items for them.

Many blessings,
Royal Blacksmith to King Daefel
Member of the Horn's End Healers Guild
Member of H.E.A.R.T. (Horn's End Alchemical Research and Training)