planning ahead, feb event

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Aye, I can lend you a weapon. Bamboo all right?

If not, someone else should probably do the lending. My PVC swords are terrible at the moment.
Egor said:
I will be coming up from Portland so if some one need's a ride I can supply two seats. I would offer three but I know Emily left her soul in my truck so there is no way she won't be riding in it. Gas money will probably be nessary but Luckly my truck is no gas hog because Toyotas rock.

My soul is definetly in there... yay for saving me a seat ^^
Sure, I'll try bamboo, sounds interesting. But then again I will try anything once, twice if I like it. Thank you very much.

here's a question. My character needs her bow and I was wondering if anyone knew a good way to transport a rep on a plane so that it won't be destroyed.

When I went to NJ last year I flew my longsword inside a large cardboard tube I built for the purpose, inside a large duffel bag. You may be able to do something similar by taking carpet rolls (big ol cardboard tubes) and cutting them to size for each part and gluing/taping them together into the shape of your bow. Helps protect it too. I find that this way you might get some questions but they won't really care, esp. if you tell them it's "sports equipment".

I'd think about shipping it out UPS ahead of time. If whoever is taking Monster Camp can't handle it I or someone else I'm sure would be happy to have it sent to them, then ship it back to ya after the event is all over. I've done that twice now going to east coast events and it works pretty well and isn't all that expensive overall if you send it UPS ground or postal slowest a week or so ahead of time. Just a thought.

To any and all far flung travellers who plan on boffing out here, send me a pm with what you need/like/prefer. I've got several types of cores, tape in many colors, and plenty of time.

Bonus: The weapons are made by a marshal! ;)
Although I appreciate the offer, I'd rather not have you go through the effort to reconstruct my bow. It includes a dragon's body and wing (not to mention is yellow, which is anoyingly expensive and hard to find) so I'd feel bad making you put in all that time to recreate it. I think I found a way to package it and am going to bring it as a checked carry-on. I'll pass your message on to those that I know are coming out/that are thinking about joining though and thanks so much for the offer.

Jen :)
alright, maybe I missed it somewhere, but I was searching for info on your site and couldn't find much. Specifically, are there showers (heated or otherwise), running toilets, a tavern of sorts (and operating hours so I know how much food to bring along with a meal list-typical or otherwise- so I know whether or not my character will be eatting there or I should be packing food -Jen loves bacon, too bad Sun thinks it's one of the most disgusting things around), and anything else of the sorts of which I should be made aware. Oh yes, I also heard a possible rummor of UL's not being allowed. Is this the case? thanks

Jen :)
Jezebel said:
alright, maybe I missed it somewhere, but I was searching for info on your site and couldn't find much. Specifically, are there showers (heated or otherwise), running toilets, a tavern of sorts (and operating hours so I know how much food to bring along with a meal list-typical or otherwise- so I know whether or not my character will be eatting there or I should be packing food -Jen loves bacon, too bad Sun thinks it's one of the most disgusting things around), and anything else of the sorts of which I should be made aware. Oh yes, I also heard a possible rummor of UL's not being allowed. Is this the case? thanks

Jen :)

Heated Showers = yes
Running Toilets = Yes
Tavern = Sorta, PC's are left to fend for themselves for the most part. we do have a nice big kitchen though in which to prepare food
UL's = there are plenty of us that use UL's so I don't know where you heard that

Any other questions just ask, I am sure one of us will have an answer
Sonia said:
Brad, would you be able to to pick up another wanderer from the airport on Friday? And drop off on late Mon?

If no one else is able to pick you up at the Airport, I would be more then happy to on my way to the event. I have a flexible work schedule, so you could come in as early as you like really. Likewise I also have a spare bedroom in my house which you'd be welcome to use if necessary depending on your layover. Please feel free to IM me via yahoo instant messanger (pounze) or to e-mail me at if I can be of any assistance.

I'm unsure as to whether or not I will be able to attend the next Event in Feb. I feel I am already getting hyped for it though and may find myself going eventually, but at this point in time it is up in the air. I would like to though.
I hope to be there. Waiting on job at the moment. Wish me luck!!

Cymryc said:
Heated Showers = yes
UL's = there are plenty of us that use UL's so I don't know where you heard that

Pardon me, but as I am new to Nero Seattle, I'm not sure what some of your abbreviations and slang refer to. What is a UL? What is it's use?

Thank you
Sorry about that. UL = ultralight weapon. It's a weapon made with a lighter core than pvc. Kitespar and fishing pole cores are the two that I have seen most comonly used. They have their advantages because they are lighter (so for someone the size of a 6th grader like me that's a big plus) and you can swing faster with them. Their disadvantage is that they make blocking more difficult as it is easier to push an UL (without trying) with a heaver weapon. They also have a higher tendency of breaking (mainly cheaper fishing pole cores from what I've seen). Then there's the third, the composite weapon that has a duel core and is part pvc and part kitespar. In my opinon, those are great for making bows. Hope this helps.

Jen :)