Planning and Preperation (Sept. 2-5)


A duo of dark elves sit next to a human clad in green and grey at a table with a map of a large cavern that has four tunnels branching out along its sides. Across from them sit two dwarves, one with the typical skin color of the bearded folk and the other with a distinctly greyer hue. Standing against the wall, a good distance away, is a human looking figure that bears the blue glow of a celestial being. The human in green and grey explains his battle plan to the three onlookers; each of their respective war bands will attack at one intersecting tunnel, with the dark elves assaulting the fourth, in hopes of drawing as many of the enemy forces their way. Doing so should relieve the adventurers from the brunt of the forces, and they'll be able to fight the lich alone. A task, the tabard-wearing human assures those present, the town will not fail in.

The light-skinned dwarf gives the human a quizzical look and asks how they plan to prevent the monsters from rejoining their master in the main cavern. Just as he finishes speaking, a figure, best described as a dark skinned hobling, enters the tavern to join them, drawing a smile from the human. The figure walks up to the table and draws runes at all four tunnel entrances to the large cavern, and, in a backwards speech, he explains that it will all be handled. The dark elves look dumbfounded, while the dwarves simply smile and nod. The six talk over the map for several hours before they begin making an inventory of what they can spare to the adventurers, then quickly share nods and depart.

As a table is set in formation, it requires time to reflect upon. Forces gather the necessary resources to confront an issue that is both young and old. As the battle grows closer, one must wonder if it will truly be as simple as it seems. Is any plan truly well-laid? The adventurers know only one way, one life; they don their armor, sharpen their minds, and ready their weapons. They press into the recesses of the underground to confront a foe, retrieve their stolen items, and hopefully free a possible ally.

As it has always been for those who wage war, to the victor go the spoils.