

As we packed and headed out from the gathering there was a great deal of talk about organization, planning, and sharing knowledge. I suggest that we keep these discussions going over the next month and a half so that we can have a solid list of concerns/sources of potential profit to address at the coming gathering.
Additionally, by coordinating our efforts we can aggressively pursue additional information through the use of Lore and Vision Rituals. Even a small amount of work for the Kingdom is sufficient to receive the boon of such a ritual and I will happily cast Lores for free if you provide me with the scroll.
I do not believe we have a resident wizard with sufficient skill in Celestial ritual magic to cast Vision, but I suspect we can locate someone we can hire for the task.


I'll be around most of the time and can help teach someone enough formal for a vision. While I don't style myself a seer or a specialist in vision magic I can throw enough weight at a ritual to grant the vision to someone else.

Jehan Wyldweaver
The Hanslayne Marsh is being overrun with salt elementals. As far as I know, this is of no interest to the Kingdom, but it is of great importance to me. This marsh boarders my lands and it is growing. I hope to remove a significant amount of these foul creatures from our plane at the next market day. However, I will need help. I do not expect the whole town to rally for my cause, but I would appreciate those willing to help to find me at the next gather.

May the spirits guide your path,
House of Games