As I started traveling to this land with my daughter Kendra to meet this man Thud she keeps talking about, I was contacted by a Grand Knight of Stone, who sensed my alignment with Stone. He asked me to aid Stone in bringing balance back to these lands. As Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath stated there seems to be nodes that need to be closed off, and I will be able to do this, but I have no more detail then what Sera Eldandiril has already stated.
Now that I am in these lands, I have traversed the dreaming and absorbed the information on this..chaos beast, which seems to be called Thonesh. It seems like we will start the market day in Encampment 42? If so, I will be available to craft arms and armor, as I am a Master Blacksmith, please if someone needs something then contact me privately with your request and I will inform you of the price.
Also on that note - does anyone have a Forge I could borrow or rent so I could craft more items for folks?
As to organizing this endeavor, my advice echos that of Jehans, which is that folk must communicate with one another the information people have gathered. This is especially true, since we seem to be attempting to stop this Thonesh in the time span of a Market Day, which is quite ambitious. In my experiences problems of this magnitude typically take many market days to gather the proper information and use that information to solve the problem properly.
As a dwarf, I am weary of the hastiness of this endeavor, but do see the urgency, and it seems the forces of this world are willing and ready to help us, so I have hope that we can succeed.
My point is this - we must communicate all information with each other, whether it was gained before the market day or during.
This means if you fancy yourself a leader, or a person who wants to solve this problem, remember to always be talking to the locals, young adventures, old adventures, and the group leaders.
I myself will try to help as best I can, I will freely offer up any information I have to those that ask, and add my sword and head to those that will be attempting to defeat this Thonesh.
I hope my time in your folks lands will be productive, if not safe and pleasant.
With honor always,
Squire Thorador Boulderfist
Squire of Sir Durathan of Gaden
PS. Thud, we will be having some conversations as to your intentions with my daughter.