Platinum legal currency


I moved a few times and was away from Alliance for a few years. Are the attached still legal platinum coins? One was rejected in a recent game...


The left side look like Nero Platinum 100% (I assume that the top left is the same as the back of the bottom left).
The top left is definitely the "starburst" that we used to order on one side of our coinage, but the other designs are totally alien to me.
Patrick hasn't pced GB in a while and it was before Plats were introduced. It might be something they handed out years ago as an LCO thing.
Hmm... Maybe it was Crossroads or New Jersey. (But Ashbury was my main place). I do remember that platinums came out not much before I moved away.

FYI the two on the left are indeed two sides of the same style of coin, as are the two on the right. So its really just two types of platinums.
The one on the left I believe is from Avendale (NERO Int). My memory could be failing me as it was over 20+ years since I went to the ceadercrest site
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Crossroads is a small economy game. I have had 1 platinum in my economy for about 7 years or so. We have never put one out as treasure.
Heya dude. Those are not coins we have ever used in HQ. Those are not alliance coins. No chapter that I am aware of on the east coast has minted their own platinum. Those are not from alliance my dude.
Heya dude. Those are not coins we have ever used in HQ. Those are not alliance coins. No chapter that I am aware of on the east coast has minted their own platinum. Those are not from alliance my dude.

Also all alliance coins have the starburst on one side with the other being the number value. The one on the right if it had the correct star burst is still incorrect as it would then be 1 copper
And it's well not. Pretty certain these are from other games.
The new 2019 coins have a tree on the back and their denomination on the front.
I hadnt bought those yet. But yup still I dont believe these are ours.

Thanks for correcting me Ken.