Player Age Restrictions Policy


New Hampshire Staff
The site's owners reserve the right to deny any given participant the privilege of remaining on site overnight, at their discretion, regardless of age and the rest of this policy.

The minimum age of players for Alliance NH is 14.

There are some restrictions for the participation of players under the age of 18.

Players under the age 18 will need to have their legal release signed by their parent or legal guardian at Logistics. They will also need to have a parent or legal guardian on site if they are planning to stay at the site overnight.

There are additional restrictions for the participation of players under the age of 16.

Players under the age of 16 will need to have a parent or legal guardian on site while they are at the site.

Note that Paging is a separate and optional policy. No participants are required to use the Paging rules based on this Age Restriction Policy. Similarly using the Paging Policy does not bypass this policy in any way.
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