Player Attitudes - A Message from your Head of Rules


Good evening,

I wanted to state this here on the forums in addition to closing ceremonies after the last event, which I know not everyone was able to attend.

We had serious issues at the last event with players (both PC and NPC) giving OOG attitude to their opponents on the field. This is not acceptable.

Some examples of what we saw:

- PCs berating new NPCs for not knowing the rules
- PCs yelling at NPCs for not taking their hits
- NPCs yelling at PCs for not taking their hits
- NPCs trying to "win" by killing as many PCs as possible, whether it was appropriate to their role or not
- NPCs boasting or gloating to PCs after going down or taking the PCs down
- PCs getting angry at NPCs for pointing out that they should have taken a hit
- And more!

This needs to stop on both sides of the PC/NPC line immediately. As announced at the end of the last event, Marshals *will* be handing out infractions to players who berate or get angry at other players on an OOG level when it is inappropriate. If you feel yourself getting up a head of steam, moderate yourself and pull yourself out of a fight if needed, or the Marshals will do it for you.

I am extremely disappointed in our entire playerbase for the things I both witnessed and heard about. It is never OK to unload verbally on another player on an OOG level; we have a system in place to deal with problems that come up. Talk to a Marshal or your player rep or another staff member, but don't take it out on the other person.

The fact that this post even needed to be made is a black mark on our entire chapter, and as long as it stays up, our chapter looks bad. That said, I will leave it up until I feel that the problems have been rectified. Help me out in this, please.

-Bryan Gregory
Alliance Seattle Head of Rules