Policy for posting in IG forum


I wanted to clarify a few things before i posted on the IG board as every game is different.

Can the IG board be used for scenes (things like your character walking along the New Acarthia thoroughfare talking to themselves)
Is the IG board a cork board in a tavern?
Can IG conversations happen on the IG board?
I presume everything we post there can be seen by all characters and all NPCs?
Can the board be used to post actions to plot? (I.E. - My character spends time reading in a library learning _____)

Every game I've played in uses their forums differently, so I thought I'd ask.
It is my hope that we will use the IG forum to represent an IG bulletin board only. In other words, the messages are just IG notes, readable by any and all (NPCs and potentially adversaries and enemies included). I prefer that style that any narrative of actions or inner monologue, personally. I find it cleaner and less confusing as to what's "fair game" for IG knowledge.

That's my vote if we get them!

Page 37 of the rulebook.

The Alliance web page is located at
www.AllianceLARP.com. You should check
there often for the latest news. There is a Bulletin
Board where you can ask questions you
might have or just talk about your favorite
There are also in-game sections of the
Bulletin Board where you can discuss IG issues
and post notices.
When leaving messages or discussing
things in-game on line, understand that these
discussions can affect the plot that can later
occur during a game.
Here are some rules for participating in
these on-line conversations:
1. In-game, when your character sleeps,
he or she can enter this “dream world” and communicate
with others who may be many miles
away. Whatever your character says or hears in
this world can affect the live action game world.
Players are allowed to use whatever information
is obtained within these conversations later
when they meet live. This also allows players
from all campaigns to discuss their plotlines,
no matter how far away they may be.
2. Characters may not act anonymously or
with a false identity without prior permission
from their home chapter’s Plot Committee.
Characters must always sign their name to posts
made to these lists. This is very important because
many players have more than one character.
If the Plot Committee can’t tell what character
posted the message, then it didn’t get
posted in-game. Any intentional misuse of anonymity
or a character’s identity may result in
your immediate removal from the Bulletin
Board and consequences for your Alliance
membership. Doing this may be considered
3. We want to encourage online communication
in general but disallow communication
that would allow a character an unfair advantage;
for example, if your character has been
kidnapped and is being held prisoner somewhere,
you can’t go online and post a message
saying, “Here I am in Greystone, come get me!”
4. Remember that this is not an online
game. It is an in-game Bulletin Board where
messages can be posted. You cannot see anyone
there, so don’t ask “What do I see?” or type
something like “An elf in chain mail walks in
the door.” There are no battles that can take
place in this dream world, and if you have never
met a character who has posted something, you
will have no idea what that character looks like.
Basically, the bottom line is that this is for
information exchanging only.
Finally, please understand that we do not
wish to police any of the boards or mailing lists.
Just keep in mind that this is a live action game
which takes place at the events. The on-line
chats are there to enhance your role-playing fun
and not replace them.
Email can also be used as a way for you
and your friends to submit plot write-ups and
decide what your characters are doing between
events. You can decide to travel to some other
place or meet with other characters and even
have adventures (of course, no XP or treasure
can be rewarded). Contact your local Plot Committee
for details.
What you can’t do is expect the Plot Committee
to follow up on such things if they are
not privy to the information. If it’s not copied
to them for approval, they reserve the right to
ignore it and say, “That didn’t happen.” Please
understand the Plot Committee never wants to
have to say that, but will in certain circumstances.

I think all your questions are answered in there, let us know if you have anymore!
Also, I have petitioned the moderator to create a Tavern only section... so the in game area will come from me and plot and the tavern area will be the dream realm for your communications.

Sit tight and it should be soon!!!
Very helpful, thanks all!