Post Event Feedback (April 2013)


Chicago Staff
Hey Everyone!

We enjoyed running the game for ya, but we enjoy even more hearing what YOU thought of it. Please send all positive and/or constructive feedback to

You can write it free hand, or use the format below:

Alliance: Wayside

Post Event Letter

Player Name:
Email Address:
Character Name:
Date of Event:

Which plotlines were you involved with during the event?

Which plots or staff characters do you want to see more of and why?

What goals or unfinished business does your character have?

What actions did you take towards those goals?

Do you have any other comments about the game?

What in game comments, rumors, gossip, or advice on survival or plot
might be overheard from your character?

Did you assist with Clean-Up?
If yes, please include what you did for clean-up:

Are you using an Information Skills between events?

Additional Comments to Plot:

Also your input on what could be improved, or what was lacking:

Favorite Mod/Scene etc:
Favorite NPC:

Best Costume NPC:
Best Role Play, NPC:
Best Role Play, PC:

Best Costume, PC


Any information is appreciated and will be taken into account for future plots/events. Thanks!

- Plot