Posted: Council Announcement - Heroes Needed, Great and Small


Adventurers & People of Malidor's Crossing,

Please heed and spread these words.

They are not mine alone but and represent the Magistrate's Councilors -Aden Corso, Faux, Master Healer Dryrot, myself -, and Guildmaster Koval. We are nightly burning the midnight oil in the preparation and organization of the Outpost and Tavern for receiving.

If this message seems too long to read, please view the emboldened portions.

You may have seen them already. The young and old, the widowed and ragged.

Our visitors are survivors of Imperial (and Baronial) reprisals in Engelheim. They have fled here with their lives, at our offer, and we have the opportunity and the imperative to help and protect them.

You would mark them by their countenances: weary and dust-worn, huddled together, and in mourning for the men and women in their lives who are lost; hopeful and wide-eyed as they see the Great Water & the Whitefang's valleys for the first time. One can almost see them begin to imagine a life here in and around our Outpost.

We have already proven ourselves in battle against tyranny, but now we are called to fulfill a gentler role - tending the scars of war. It is a more everyday sort of heroism but bears deeper rewards.

Plans exist for the mid- and long-term aide these who have come, but in the next few weeks, I urge, I daresay I need, you to help our community.

How can I help?
  • Come forward by posting here or swing by the Tavern which will be the hub of our efforts.
  • Offer temporary shelter in your home or pavillions!
  • Provide or serve foodstuffs through Our Tavern!
  • Lend a hand for escorting the fearful
  • Perform childcare
  • Provide escort for security or comfort of refuge seekers or townsfolk alike
  • Spread the songs, stories, and atmosphere of camaraderie for which Malidor's Outpost has already become well known.
  • Give guard services during this chaotic time
Beyond those basics; some of the refuge seekers will undoubtedly have unique tribulations for which we can offer succor with clever application of our talents and time.

More specifically, we could also use volunteers to locate Captain Ryker & the remaining Town Gaurd who may have survived recent clashes with Litimore. Try the Ruins first!

There is some reason to believe Lord Brightstone may form a new organization of the same name, that is to replenish the Town Guards' ranks. So if some of you aspire to be a Guard or desire appointment as Sherrif, it would be a great boon to Malidor's Outpost and your career trajectory to begin drilling and patrolling together and be seen volunteering with regard to the ideas above.

Give aide and reduce discomfort where you can, and though we cannot promise payment now; it will not be forgotten. Not by Lord Brightstone and Prince Ironbeard, not by the families in need, not by the Councilors, and not by me.

Askeksa Firstforest
Scribe of the Magistrate
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What is already being done?
The Guildmasters, (accessible) Squire(s), our Lord Brightstone, and his present Councilors -Aden Corso, Faux, Master Healer Dryrot and myself - are directing logistics and chasing down leads. For instance

My esteemed colleague Aden Corso & the Prince himself are even now making arrangements to best use the pre-established purses of the 'Orphans & Widows Foundation of Malidor's Outpost' so that new housing may be constructed and the seeds of a new life provided. Additional donations toward OWFMO can be delivered directly to Aden Corso and will be utilized effectively on this issue, at first for immediately needed consumables and clothing, and subsequently for the construction of a Living Hall.

Master Healer, the Guildmaster Ivan Koval is likewise involved in efforts that no sick or wounded go untended, but his resources are spread thin, and appeal to organizations such as the White Flame have begun.

At my Lord, the Magistrate Brightstone's behest, I have begun a survey to partition a small amount of the arable lands of this ancestral dwarven region (to the weather of the ruins), to be given to families who wish to inhabit individual dwellings and return to the sorts of lives they had in Engleheim. Though we have begun to survey the specified area: skilled woodsmen and those with knowledge of settlement planning would be most welcome to post here or reach out to me.

Diplomatic efforts to ensure Squire Hildr's eventual safety are underway.
If that is a matter you might wish to assist with, it's delicate nature requires you submit private contact.

Askeksa Firstforest
Scribe of the Magistrate
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While I have not been a resident of your area before, I seem to be spending more and more of my time in this side of the shard. Please feel free to include me on any of your plans to help those in needs, you have access to all of my resources and abilities, so long as they are being used to assist with the greater good of what the people of the land need.

At our previous gather I stood guard outside for both of the evenings, keeping an ear out for trouble and healing those that required it. If there are other needs that I'm unaware of, let me know so I may assist in those as well.

I have received the blessing and support of Captain Ryker in acquiring a large number of loaves of bread, as well as the use of the tavern as a place where it can be distributed to those in need.
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My services as a healer, though limited, are always available. Also should any visitor or townsperson be in need of repairs or manufacture of farming implements, trade tools, or even nails my services as a Blacksmith are available as well.