*POSTED* Help Wanted!!!



The following positions are currently being recruited for the temporary tavern operations in the city of Rivenside by McGregor Williamson:

1) Sous Chef (1 position available)
Duties: Assist the McGregor in preparing meals, may be responsible for scheduling, and filling in when the McGregor is off-duty. The Sous Chef will also act as an expediter in serving the masses and taking orders as necessary. Essentially, the Sous Chef is responsible for planning and directing food preparation in a kitchen under the direction of the McGregor. This may include supervising and working with the Kitchen Assistant to ensure smooth operations, as well as keeping an eye out for problems that arise in the kitchen and seizing control of a situation at a moment’s notice. The Sous Chef may also need to effectively discipline underperforming staff members, as well as provide incentives for staff members to go above and beyond the expectations of their particular chef roles. Will perform other duties as assigned.
Pay: Based on prior experience.

2) Kitchen Assistant (1 position available)
Duties: Act as a kitchen specialist understanding the intricacies of sterilization and cleaning management, as well as being an executive server and liaison with customers. Will serve as the director for cookware inventory management and will take initiative to optimize and implement cleaning management best practices upon the entire facility. Will perform other duties as assigned. This position will take direction from McGregor and/or the Sous Chef.
Pay: Based on prior experience.

3) Security Enforcement (1-2 positions available)
Duties: Protect all tavern operations from hostile actions. These actions include but are not limited to: theft, peasant riots, animal attacks, undead attacks, unruly adventurers, and damage to the facility or its patrons by fire, ice, lightening, stone, alchemy, neglect, lack of sufficient ale (very rare). Basically, this position will serve as the enforcer to protect business operations. The individual is also expected to exercise tact and is to respect the privacy of the patrons as long as their actions do not interfere with business operations. This position will only take direction from the McGregor directly.
Pay: Based on skill demonstration and prior experience.

4) Stable Hands(1-2 positions available)
Duties: I am looking for 1-2 stout-hearted and trustworthy young lads (or lasses) to provide for the care of the horses and mounts of the guests at the Falcon's Roost. Training will be provided if needed.

All interested parties are encouraged to contact me along with a summary of your current work history.

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Hope's Reach