*POSTED* Town Hall Meeting


Town Meeting
Time: 3pm on the 10th
Where: The Falcon's Roost

The Guardian Counsel would like to call for a town hall meeting to include all citizens of Hope's Reach and all adventurers present either from Gaden/Roskaria or from the mists.

Following the meeting, there will be a short question and answer period. We encourage everyone to come and participate in the spirit of comeraderie and community.

Thank you,

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Guardian of Hope's Reach
To the Citizens of Hope’s Reach,

First I want to thank all the adventurers that were present, I know that is it sometimes difficult to sit out from adventuring, and the counsel thanks you for your patience.

I also wanted to thank the few citizens of Hope’s Reach that were also present. I wish that more of you will be present at the next meeting as I am eager to hear from you what your thoughts and concerns are as we work together to build a strong defense against the corrupt.

I realize that this was the first meeting of its kind, and want to encourage additional attendance in future meetings.

For those of you that were not present, here is a summary of what was discussed.

1) The Guardian Counsel, who they are, what groups they represent, and what they are currently doing to help protect and guide the area as it grows.
2) The area of Hope’s Reach is under the rule of the Crown of Gaden, and are subject to the Laws of the Crown. The Sherriff and the deputies are here to enforce the law and have the ability to levy fines for crimes committed. If an individual feels that the fine or punishment does not justify the offense, the Guardian Counsel will adjudicate the dispute in the absence of nobility and issue a just ruling.
3) General state of affairs. We are in a stronger position now than we were last year after the military pulled out with a steady stream of adventurers coming to stem the tide of the corrupt.
4) Trade: The guardians are working to increase the numbers of merchants and trade caravans coming to the area. Volunteers are requested to help build the main road to the area with stone from the local quarry.
5) General Defense: An architect has been hired and will be coming to the area to advise as to best establish defenses. Volunteers are requested to help begin to organize the raw material shipments as we begin to fortify the area.
6) Kobolds: According to the laws of the Crown of Gaden, Kobolds are not considered sentient beings and are therefore acts committed by or against them are not bound by the laws of the crown. The group of “mistwalkers” known as Harbor’s Far has indicated that in their home they lived peacefully with kobolds, and petitioned that they be given a chance to live under the laws of the crown. After considering this request and the concerns of the other adventurers present, it was decided that the Kobolds of the Huksters Tribe be granted the rights to live under the laws of the crown for 90 days, with a review of their current status at the next town hall meeting on the 23rd day of the 10th month. The kobolds are to live and abide by the laws of the crown until that time. As a result of this action, the bounty on kobolds, issued by the individual citizen McGregor, has been lifted.
7) Also, there was a motion made for an individual to step up and fill the post of militia commander, it was decided that a member of the Guardian Counsel should not fill this post as it would be a conflict of interest.

The Counsel wishes everyone safe travels and looks forward to our next meeting.


Guardian of Hope’s Reach
*Seal of the Guardians*

Tell meh, what appen whit dhis meet'n? I 'sume ya take writ'n of it? Share wat 'appen wit dhose of us dhat not aba tah be dhere.

-Hengin the Unforgiven
Guardian of Hope's Reach
I don' believe anyone was takin' the minutes- somethin' which would be my only suggestion in the future. Actually, one thing I would like to see is a town historian, someone who could keep the minutes, quote the laws exactly as written when asked (for those who don't know 'em or seek reference), publish the news, an' hold the town ledger. I am not skilled in readin' or writin' just yet but I still think it would be neat t' have these things available.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
as soon as i get a proper scroll case, i will be carrying around a copy of the laws and punishments of Gaden just in case it is needed

-James the inconceivable of harbors far
James, perhaps Gorka could make you something. Get in contact with here about that case.

Arrin Fillrith
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