Potential "Ironman" Events this winter

Well, I stand corrected, I guess there is a big difference between that and driving a 4 wheeler around on sidewalks all day and night. I'm trying to remember when it was but it was real bad. Now would you battle in the middle of a TORNADER!!!!!!!
I think Hengin would take on a Tornado...darn Sky magic getting out of hang!
Er, we'll pass on tornado events, Insurance costs enough already...
Ohhhh blizzard event would be fun...wouldn't need stealth, just stay a few feet away!
Tennyo said:
Would you need NPC's for this event?

Oh yes, unless you all want the plot to be 'The Giant(in presence) Dave-sized Collosus of um, whereever we are' Attacks! We'll need npcs for the winter events just like any other!
Cool! Because every weekend event so far since I joined this forum hasn't worked for me, and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do it the last weekend in October. Oh if only it were a week earlier or a week later, I would finally be able to be a part of one. Or if only that weekend was both Halloween AND NaNoWriMo kick off. T_T

That being said I think it would be a lot of fun! ^_^
The Ironman Events are no longer potential, see the new postings for details!