Pouches for sale - (fake) fur, suede, leather.


I'm really sorry but I won't be coming down after all. I had something come up at the last minute. If anyone is coming up to the next TC event I can have the pouches there, and I will most likely make the august SoMI event.
Or if anyone wants to order a pouch, I will ship them but the shipping is extra.

I will be bringing some pouches down this weekend. I have 2 "fur" pouches, one with "bear" claws, and one plain black "suede" pouch. I'm sorry I can't sell them for in-game coin - I'm actually trying to make a bit extra money. The fur pouches are $25 and $30 and the black pouch is $15. I can't say I'll have them out at any particular time, though if I get there before game on I'll try to have them with me. Otherwise, just find Naie. If you want to see pictures, check out my post in Marketplace.
Re: Pouches for sale - fur - with and without claws.

I am definetly interested in purchasing a pouch from you if you have any left. Are the fur pouches brown?

Re: Pouches for sale - fur - with and without claws.

They are brown. One is a very rich and dark brown, like sable. The other is "grizzley" fur and is a cinnamon brown, with grizzley texture to match. Both very cool and different.
Re: Pouches for sale - fur - with and without claws.

I will try to have a few more pouches made before the next event that I can bring down. I have some nice fake leather, one is brown and one is a really nice buckskin color, that I plan to make into pouches. I'd love to do some embroidery on the buckskin one. I think I still have some synthetic red suede too. Any of you remember Morganne's red pouch with the black dragon? If you are interested in anything particular, let me know and I'll do what I can. No obligation unless I do a personalized embroidery.