pre-cast Wards for event

Woah, I just want to be clear that I was in no way complaining. I think it's really cool to encourage people to make arrangements ahead of time. That way you can make sure no one gets left out.

I wasn't getting at anything other than to say, even if only for one event, it could be cool.

Sorry if I was confusing about that.
I bet this is a ploy for no one to memorize a Ward. Then, in the middle of the night on Friday, someone goes around casting DM on all the wards. Now no-one is safe until Saturday night!

Evil plot people! This is a conspiracy!

Your on to us! Now we have to kill you off first before you release our plan to the entire group. Oh wait, you already did, oh well guess we will just kill you off first for pure vengence then. Hehehe....

And Mark, no offense has been taken, by you or anyone else. The post about the wards was put up ahead of time because we knew people would want time to ask questions.
Alavatar said:
I bet this is a ploy for no one to memorize a Ward. Then, in the middle of the night on Friday, someone goes around casting DM on all the wards. Now no-one is safe until Saturday night!

Evil plot people! This is a conspiracy!


Two words.... "Activate Ward"! :D

We'll be ok.....

..... I hope :?
Just be careful which house you do that on, it just might Bane it.

No, really!
Which begs the question.... Is Hugh Laurie Baneable? .... What about if ingested?

.... I'm a horribly bored human being today.
I thought Cuddy was Houses' bane.
Sure, now. But BITD it was the Black Adder. And if you don't know of what I speak, edumacate yerself, young'uns!
"Did'nt you make a copy of your manuscript?"