Pre-Pays Closing Soon!

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There is really nothing to complain about here. People who can't afford to pre-pay still pay the same prices they did before. They aren't being punished in any way, and they aren't being reprimanded by staff for not using the paypal service. Their situation is unchanged.

I beg to differ that there's nothing to complain about. While I understand site fees went up and that game fees must, then, also go up, that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

Further compound that with the fact that I may or may not have the money by the time the event rolls around and I'm left being absolutely resentful of every single person who gets this super discount because they have the cash to throw at it.

We already have enough disparity via money with costuming, weapons, and the armor system. These are tangible things that upset people ALREADY. Throwing in an extra discount for the people who can throw money at you is just adding insult to injury.

Yes, I'm complaining. Yes, I am absolutely one hundred percent pissed off about this new system. I would be less so if the people running it would quit rubbing it in my face that I'm POOR.
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