Re: Pre-Registration Open for October 22nd-24th Game!
Maybe it happened cause I was over eager to hit 20 confirmed people...which we have due to a recent addition, huzzah, next stop forty! (I want to see no less then 50 folks at this event!)
Re: Pre-Registration Open for October 22nd-24th Game!
Sorry I'm slacking like usual. I need to find all my MI tags and just being soooooo lazy. I may or may not get it done tonight. *looks sneakily both directions before hiding*
Re: Pre-Registration Open for October 22nd-24th Game!
I will be there NPCing. Never even got a "we're too busy" email from the national contact about my card stuff. Oh well looking forward to dying a bunch. -Dawson
Re: Pre-Registration Open for October 22nd-24th Game!
Ryan was probably counting himself in his 50 as his own pre-reg is late!
I'm very excited by the turn out, we've got another 4-6 people I expect to register any minute now so we'll have a very robust game. We've also been contacted by a merchant from the Renfest who may also be set up in an out of the way spot those those wishing to browse her wares (She ask, we said sure, but haven't confirmed details yet)