Pre-Reg for 3/29/14 event


Traverse City Staff
As One Door Closes……Welcome To The Broken Lands.
The land known as Arden has been through 200 years of turmoil since the Adventurers and the nobles of Valdanis left the land. Warlords rule many of the lands more through might and less through diplomacy. Citizens of many lands have been screaming out for years for more heroes. Now the old heroes of the lands have returned only to find the land not only fractured but many old alliances destroyed. Arden is now referred to by many as the broken lands.
Along with alliances, lands, and kingdoms being destroyed so was the link to magic in the realm. Everyday the adventurers feel the magic in the world slipping away. Can the reformed bands of heroes stop the loss of magic? Can they help rebuild kingdoms in the way that they were before? Can they deal with the rampaging hordes of barbarians, orcs, and other warlords that rule this hostile land?
Through the darkness the Adventurers learn of one man who wants to lead the crusade to bring back order to the lands. Will he be able to enlist the help of the heroes? What will the barbarians and the warlords do when they hear of this uprising? Will the adventurers be able to make new allies in this war torn world? As old doors close many more have now opened. Welcome to the Broken Lands

This will be a dinner event. This will be at the new camp logistics will be from 11:00 - 1:00 with game on at 1:00. You will now be able to pay with credit card at the door. Directions to the camp are on our web site Pre-reg bonus of 50 gobbies for everyone that pre-regs before March 25th at midnight.
The fee for this event is $20.00 and we can accept credit cards at the door or in PayPal on the web site.
Alex W.
Rob D.
Joe C.
James P.
Tory D.
Cory W.
Nick P.
Lee S.
Amy H.
Dave H.
Mark M.
Daphne P.
Nathan B.
Ryan Z.
Carrie Z.
Christian G.
Cassidy P.

Chris T.
Rob O.
Birgit C.
Mike L.
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Looks like a Foss, Shiny, Eve, Kit, are for sure in for the opener and maybe one or two others.
Robert Karstarke will be there as well. Can't wait to see everyone.
Can't wait to see you all :).
Mark and myself will be there. I should be bringing a co-worker who is interested in playing.
I will be there getting my pre reg in tonight
I'll be there. First game in 8 years, so I'm pretty excited! I'll pre reg tomorrow.
Just to let everyone know you only have until midnight tonight to get your pre-reg in to receive you gobbie bonus
Just sent ours in.