Pre-reg for Ashbury April event: CLOSED

Pre Regged, and Logisted for Prolon L'ar. See you there folks!
Mike you msged me weeks ago about the private room and I said yes, the money is for the private room. I pre reg ed weeks ago as amaranthus. I don't know why I am listed as an npc. If I am not getting the room I paid for weeks ago I'd like to know so I can make other arrangements.

Oh and my 40 bucks back.
Perry and I will be at the event. I believe we're both NPCing.
Most aprichiated.
Alas, I will be quite late, and this weekend is a bit crazy... but Alda is there from Saturday night onwards! Gotta do everything I can to make it to the opener!

And a million thanks in advanced to my wonderful, handsome, amazing, charming fiance, who is gonna help me out with the crazy driving of the weekend. Sorry, stealing Ketemycos away for a few hours!
You've been missed.
I just pre-registered and payed for a year membership. Kevin Bertrand PCing as Avernorn. Looking forward to being back up there and battling again!
Just preregged. (under revlynmarlas pp acct) Will be playing Mouse, but not showing up until late Sat. afternoon/evening. Will send logistics stuff in tomorrow.
See everyone then!

Hey guys! Considering our current ratio, I recommend that some groups consider hopping fence for a shift so we can make sure we can offer a better balanced event for everyone! :D
A bunch (if not all ) of the gilded claw will hop Friday night if needed
Tom and I will be there! Pre-regged with three minutes to spare.

Also, the "reset password" for the forum is not working, because you must enter a Captcha that it cannot load due to a URL error. So, there's that.
Most of Vanguard will be darkside Friday night as well