Pre-reg for November 2nd, NOW Open!

That is correct it is at the Nisswa sight, just north of Brainerd, MN. It is also known as Camp Parker, or the Miller Castle.

There are large sleeping rooms that house I believe somewhere around 30+ people. The site is beautiful, and the large sleeping areas are really well thought out. :)
Could we start getting some spoilers? I don't recall hearing anything even in game as to going to the same/ a different keep :P

Edit: I retract said statement as I'm just NOW checking the in-game boards -.-
Okay, thanks. I must have misread that part or just skimmed over it. I was trying to figure out whether or not I needed to bring my tent like I usually do, but with that many rooms I doubt I'll need to.
Pre-reg'd. Yay. Containing excited outbursts of glee. Must maintain reputation as an introvert.
This will need to be cleared with DaveG to be certain, but if again as last event if we have a very low number of NPCs. (Less than 10) it is likely/possible that we will be offering 1 MI pick for either hopping fence twice or more, or spending a significant amount of time helping us NPC (4-6 hours).

PC's who hopped fence last soMN event helped GREATLY and we really appreciate it if people are willing/want to do that. When they can let us know ahead of time we can even try to prepare specific roles/mods for certain times with who is going to be hopping fence in mind.

We realize that most folks who hop fence and help out don't do it 'for' anything. But we want to recognize that effort and reward the time lost that could have earned treasure if you were PC'ing you're character. Optionally we may be able to offer an additional 'IBGA action' that you're character could perform beyond a normal IBGA if the player would prefer that kind of a reward.
OOH I'd take that. :P

I can hop fence at the castle as well....especially for you know what! :P
I don't know if it necessarily needs saying since I asked about it, but I pre-registered.
Its official, I have an new character and she exists! just need to do weapons and cloak and I am ready to go woot new character in less than 2 weeks!
Alright, I'm pre-regged up. I work Saturday morning however, so I may not make it until around 5pm that day.
I don't know who to contact but I need to be pulled off the pre-reg list. I can't make it. My surgery kept me out of work for too long and I have no money to drive up or to play. :tears:

Donna C
Skye Nevermore
Just send in an e-mail to logistics to pull your registration and what's not if he doesn't see it here.
Whats logistics email? Sorry. This is a pain.
SkyeNevermore said:
Whats logistics email? Sorry. This is a pain.
Don't worry, I got it.

Sorry to hear you can't make it! :(
Thanks. I am really upset. I was looking forward to going all year but this surgery pulled me out of work for 3 weeks.

But I hope everyone else has a great time and I want to hear all the details! :)
Would you consider trying to catch a ride and NPC??

We REALLY need the NPC's and I bet someone could pick you up! Then again if you are hurt take care of yourself, but even if you could just walk around you could page and do RP NPC characters. :thumbsup:
Possible good news then, I can't seem to dig out Icey's stuff from where I have it stored and may end up NPC'ing this next event if I can't find at least my pouches...

Sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it though, Donna. Although if you have friends who are even slightly interested, remember, it IS a castle, and it CAN be used as leverage to convince people to try out LARPing :whistle:
If anyone is driving from the Omaha, Des Moines area and could give me a ride please? Then I could NPC for the weekend. But I don't think there is anyone down this way.
Do you have a car? I could help you out with gas money.