Pre-Reg for October 2011 Event


Pre-reg is now Closed!!

(Please still send in your pre-reg for the event, you will not receive the discount price or the goblin stamps, but you will still make your time in logistics shorter on Friday night.)

Please fill out our pre-reg form here or email it to us at
(If you have questions on how to Pre-Reg, please check out this post.)

If you have any BP expenditures please try to take care of them before you pre-reg, that way your requests and pre-regs will not get over looked. Thanks!

This is for the Alliance Oregon October 14-16th, 2011 weekend event, Market Days, at Brooks Memorial ELC State Park, near Goldendale, WA.

Pre-reg will close on Friday, October 7th at 11:59 PM.

Event Fees
  • PC: $65.00 at the door, $50.00 if you pre-reg.
  • Advance page: $40.00 at the door, $30.00 if you pre-rg.
  • Page: $30.00 at the door, $20.00 if you pre-reg.
  • NPC: Free, NPC food is $10.00.

Pre-reg's received as of 10/07/2011:
Matt O. - Iftikhaar
Shane R. - Tanis
Scott K. - Mixer
Tony M. - Raganzi
Leigh-Ann M. - Kiarra
Andy S - Tantarus
Carmen S - Roan
Barbara M - Prashka
Bryan G - Arannin
Jimmy H - Virid
Ron L - Alcandar
Mike L - Killian
Ryan W - Luke
Dexter D - Bowie
Evan R - Zeth
Gabriel D - Darien
Jesse H - Telith
Sarajane H - Melete
David K - Maven
Courtney B - Kitty
Bill B - Black
Brittany S - Takara
Josh B -
Paul G - Alaric
Kara G - Spook
Andy G - Marcus
Nick B - Hugh
Sam G - Tahlro
Norman B - Karzel
Marc D - Masticon
Tony C - Tode

Character Transfers received as of 10/07/2011:


If you feel you should be on this list and are not, please email logistics and let us know. Thanks!
Hey, I sent my pre-reg in via the website pre-reg form on Sept. 28. Want me to send it again?

Sorry Andy and Carmen I did not recieve your pre-regs. I have made a new form through google docs that I will be switching over to for pre-regs. It will allow me to keep better track of pre-regs. If you would like you can be the first to use it. :)

Pre-Reg Form
Okies, filled out the Google form and sent it. Didn't receive an auto reply so let me know if you got it.

Mine should have gone through at 9/30/11, too. I filled out the Google form just now, but it made me go through the NPC bit too.
Pre-reg'd again! (this rather works out.. I'd wanted to change a little thing on my pre-reg anyway..)

I like the form but, as an FYI, after you "submit" then you can choose "see other responses" (and I'm curious.. so I did) and it lets you see previous people's responses to things like, what they are buying with production, gobbies, and what spells they are memorizing.. stuff like that. I figured.. you might want to adjust that? I understand it's new.. letting you know just in case!

Yep, thanks for letting me know. It has been fixed now.
Is there an E-mail auto response with the new form?
Just a reminder, Pre-reg ends tonight at 11:59pm. Get them in, you save yourself $15 and you will get 15 gobbies!
I apologize for my late character transferring. The following character transfers have been received and processed from Alliance Seattle. If you have a Seattle character that should have been transferred please send me an e-mail at

Seth Bird
Alliance Seattle Logistics

Shane Renner – Tanis
Anthony Mungo – Raganzi
Andy Giesman – Marcus
Brian Johnson – Ashok
Barbara Martin – Prashka
Evan Rawson – eth
David Koenigsaesker – Maven
Courtney Bates – Kitty
Gabriel De Los Angeles – Darien
Sam Gladish – Tahlro
Nick Bond – Hugh
Ronald Leota – Alcandar
Kevin Morano – Flynn
Weather report for the weekend: highs in the mid- to high-60s, lows in the mid- to high-30s, partly cloudy the whole weekend with only a 20% chance of precipitation.

So, typical PNW LARP stuff - dress in layers, bring extra socks.