Ryan S

Pre-regs are due by Saturday, September 7th at 11:59 PM.

The event for PCs will cost $60 ($75 without pre-registration) and NPCs $15 ($25 without pre-registration). This cost to NPCs covers food for the weekend and the per-head costs that we incur.

Players MUST pre-reg with the Google Form in order to receive the discount.

The site opens at 7PM on Friday, September 13th, with lay-on as close to 9PM as possible. Game-off will be approximately 10AM on Sunday, September 15th with everyone cleaned up and out by Noon.

This event will take place at the following site:

Gamehaven Scout Reservation
5015 Simpson Rd SE
Rochester, MN 55904

At the Gamehaven location we will have two lodges available for everyone which only provide floor space sleeping. In addition, there are five heated and air conditioned cabins, with four bunks each, that are available. We will be allowing players to reserve these cabins for the weekend for $60. A minimum of 3 players must be staying in each cabin. These will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. In order to claim a cabin, email:

Tenting is permitted on this site. Please include a note in your pre-reg if you plan on tenting for the weekend.

Our pre-reg form can be found by clicking here. Pre-registration should include needed tags, your production, magic items, and any food allergies.

Once you've filled out that form, then head over to the CMA and preregister for the event by clicking here. Filling this out makes sure you get credited XP for the event.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to logistics at:

You may prepay for the weekend by sending your payment over Paypal to You should use the "Send to a Friend" option when you do this. In the notes include your name, the purpose of your payment, your character name, and the chapter the character is housed in.

Please note if you’re a first time player you should contact us so we can help with your character creation before the event. Send you emails to: and Kayla will help you prepare your character for your first event!

For returning players unfamiliar with the new 2.0 rules, they can be found and reviewed here:

Pre-regs are due by Saturday, September 7th at 11:59 PM. You do not get the discount for registering after this point, but it is still highly encouraged by the logistics staff for you to do so!

  1. Nate MacLaurin (Vaelin)
  2. Brad Kramer (Zihr)
  3. Brian "BJ" Halvorson (Ghauld)
  4. Alissa Halvorson (Lilian)
  5. Zach Serocki (Elros)
  6. David Raatz (Iganeous) -- Needs to pre-reg in the CMA
  7. Andrea Rye (Gertrude)
  8. Payton Anderson (Arbeld)
  9. Jack Felt (Faraan)
  10. Emma Berg (Agate)
  11. Carly Baehr (Fiona)
  12. Kyle Schmelz (Liam)
  13. Ryan Benike (Cassandra)
  14. David Glaeser (Durl)
  15. Brenda Hawkins (Mint)
  16. Tony Hawkins (Crono)
  17. Kathryn Lund (Auryn)
  18. Brittany MacLaurin (Mira)
  19. Seamus Costello (Benjamin)
  20. Luke Nestingen (Migs)
  21. Josh Stewart (Zen)
  22. Jenny Sireno (Jamina)
  23. Jonathan McNicholes (Roff)
  24. Patrick Lawrenz (Artemis)
  25. Kayla Stewart (Locke)
  26. Wendall Roy (Azeban) -- Needs to pre-reg in the Google Form
  27. Jessica Arnsmen (Chamomile) -- Needs to pre-reg in the Google Form
  28. Jessica Philips (Jessica) -- Needs to pre-reg in the Google Form
  1. Ryan Schmidt
  2. Matt Machtan
  3. Jordan Fenty
  4. Reese Lloyd
  5. Ryan Codner
  6. Amy Moberg
  7. Joshua Moberg
  8. William Podulke
  9. Sid Price
  10. Anthony Grider
  11. Jarrett Ray
  12. Jeremy Moberg
Cabin Reservations:
(Note: Your assigned cabin will be the one listed below.)
  2. Nate MacLaurin
  3. David Glaeser

  4. Kayla Stewart
  5. Kayla Stewart
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When do cards get finalized? If I plan to buy a new ability or spell with my September blanket when is the last day to update it on the CMA so it is printed and ready for the event?

~Brad / Zihr
When do cards get finalized? If I plan to buy a new ability or spell with my September blanket when is the last day to update it on the CMA so it is printed and ready for the event?

~Brad / Zihr
Most of the time cards are printed a day or two before (Sometimes we can print at the site if the internet is up for it). If for some reason the ability/spell isn't on your card we should be able to figure out something.
Is there a way to unpri register I just found out that I have to travel that weekend for work
Shoot, I can't remember if I included it in my pre reg but I plan on tenting for the weekend.

‐ Emma
could someone explain to me what a "cma" is and is it necessary??

David Raatz
The CMA is the new system that Alliance uses to keep track of characters and skills. You should send an email to Logistics about it, since it is necessary. It allows you to blanket and buy skills directly on the website, it's very convenient.
Hey folks! Your friendly tavern cook here. I can only see the google registration, so if you are only registering in the CMA, it is harder for me to know you are coming. I am counting on you to pre reg in google so I can plan enough food without having to bug Ryan for numbers. Please register in both so I can get an accurate count and know everyone's food allergies. Thanks!!!
is the address to logistics the same as on the info for the preregistration? if so can i use it to ask them about the "cma" setup?

David Raatz
Emma B is pretty amazing, but even she is going to be stretched to her limits playing both Ainsley (#7) and Agate (#11) . . . just sayin' :)
Emma B is pretty amazing, but even she is going to be stretched to her limits playing both Ainsley (#7) and Agate (#11) . . . just sayin' :)

Hey man, either logistics missed the note in my Agate pre reg saying "I'm playing Agate this event, please ignore my Ainsley pre reg information" or theres a Second Emma B out there that just happened to come to Alliance MN and this is her first game and she's playing a character named Ainsley. Stranger coincidences have happened.
I will be missing as work is not cooperating.

Have a great weekend! See you all at Castle!!