Pre-Registration for August event

Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

Brian owns the room because he payed for it. If you never gave him back his money the room is still his, which he then gave to Todd to use. I say its all Todd's but you guys are the owners.
Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

Gilwing said:
Brian owns the room because he payed for it. If you never gave him back his money the room is still his, which he then gave to Todd to use. I say its all Todd's but you guys are the owners.

But neither Todd or Brian are pre-registered, that's the issue.
Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

Fearless Leader said:
Gilwing said:
Brian owns the room because he payed for it. If you never gave him back his money the room is still his, which he then gave to Todd to use. I say its all Todd's but you guys are the owners.

But neither Todd or Brian are pre-registered, that's the issue.

Well if Brian was never pre-registered then oh well, he didn't follow policy. You have to give it to whom ever followed the rules.
Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

henrythemad said:
Kuwo!! Woot!! Brightoak is in the hizzy.

Anna, Brightoak, and Delaldur (as soon as he registers), + one other person (Joe/Kuwo, you in?).. So, um, I guess, 2LFG: Cabin.


Blargh, didn't get home til after midnight Sunday. Sorry, Henry. I will be there.

Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

Fearless Leader said:
Here's my dilemma. Everyone tell me what is fair.

Brian (Garathon) paid for that room a while ago, and then decided on Friday he would NPC instead. He asked me to give the room to Todd (Ithica) but Todd hadn't pre-registered so I said I would hold it for him a bit until Todd paid, because you have to be pre-registered to reserve a room. However, Todd never pre-registered and now someone has paid for it to be held for Bobby (Raven).

My thought is that Bobby should get it, but is that fair to Brian and Todd? I'm going to have someone upset no matter what we do, I guess, but the policy is that you have to be pre-registered to reserve a room and Brian is no longer pre-registered...


credit brian's account with the $40, and give the room to Robert. The policy is plain, you MUST be pre-registered BEFORE you can reserve a room.

It is my opinion that if you take yourself off of pre-regging (to NPC, or for any other reason) you are removing yourself from having the room as well. You cannot transfer your rights. You also cannot reserve a room if you never pre-regged.

It is my opinion that no one should be able to buy a room for anyone else. the money should come from the person who intends to use the room. Now, that being said, I don't see anything wrong with erica buying the room, and then letting others use it (even if she herself is not using it) so long as she is still PCing and still pre-regged, it's her room to do with what she wants.
Re: Pre-Registration for August event: DEADLINE TODAY

not currently as I am not running logistics. Kyle will need to take care of that or wait until I get the database back after this event.
Todd posted on the boards he wont be here this weekend. Room goes to Bobby and brian gets credit towards next private room
late or no it looks like I am coming to NPC once more. I gots some more claws for your collection as well. Some one please PM me if there is a cause to bring anything costume wise or props wise. I have a collection.

Joe S.
I will be pcing as my Biata
Cabin reservation for Myself, Darkan, Amanda Troy And Pricilla.
I am not pre-logistified for some reason. I sent an email to Ashburylog 5 days ago.

For the last cabin, is it basically whoever gets there first gets it?

Henry you are prelogged im just slacking. I believe You guys just need Dan Aldi to get ur cabin correct?
You will have it today after 5. And you get sir Daniel mynamestoolongtobetakenseriously.
Should work out
Dammit, I always forget to pre-reg to NPC until the last minute. Oh well, I'll be there anyway, probably early.