Pre-registration for August is CLOSED

Re: Pre-registration for August

OleanderSky said:
I will be pre-regging some time this week to PC this event. My PC is Deadlands-based and visiting Ashbury for the first time, and I have no idea how chapter-hopping works. Am I supposed to send a copy of my Deadlands character history to Ashbury?
Send an email to Deadland Logistics telling them you would like to play your character at the HQ event, CC HQ logistics as well
Re: Pre-registration for August

Posted over in the July pre-reg thread, but am shooting a message here as well, just in case.

Will and I pre-regged for the August event and ended up on the July lowbie event list. Could you please switch us over to the pre-reg list for August?

Re: Pre-registration for August

OK, thanks for the instructions. If I want to make a food donation, is that under "donate for goblin stamps" or separate?
Re: Pre-registration for August

Sam Owens, PCing Dorian
Re: Pre-registration for August

Tom Wilson, PCing Noot
Re: Pre-registration for August

I'm on the list (Loren Williams) as event membership, but it's my first event at HQ, so aren't I eligible for trial membership? Also, I sent a food donation from the same Paypal address. Was it received?
Re: Pre-registration for August

Can we snag the last cabin for Nordenn? Sam Owens, Collin, Tom H and Tom W are our 4.
Re: Pre-registration for August

Just paid and excited. Please mark down Air for JP, Bill, Kelsey, and Evan (yes, paid). Really looking forward to it after the boards exploded over the weekend.
Re: Pre-registration for August

Frisco Cruise has just paid for the August event!

PS: To be Tvard Sendall!
Re: Pre-registration for August

EC-JP said:
Just paid and excited. Please mark down Air for JP, Bill, Kelsey, and Evan (yes, paid). Really looking forward to it after the boards exploded over the weekend.

You can reserve a cabin with four people, but rooms have to be paid for (except the common room that has 6 beds)...
Re: Pre-registration for August

Since there's a line of people waiting to put swords into my back, front, sides and neck, and others want to give me new orifices...

Please add Dave DeMartino to NPC
Re: Pre-registration for August

Please add Hilary Nunes to NPC.
Re: Pre-registration for August

Yay you has a Lana and a Toddo for at least part of the weekend! Unpacking be damned, we'll get as much done as we can on Friday and then show up for NPCing on Saturday and Sunday!
Re: Pre-registration for August

please sign up Susie Lee to NPC! :)

(Though all my Jade Skeleton comrades and Child of Autumn kindred should expect some between-game RP to figure out why Alda is not clinging to your sides like there's no tomorrow!! We'll work somethin out! <3 )
Re: Pre-registration for August

Anyone else notice that NPC camp will be over half couples (6 by my count)? It is also the weekend of the ball.

Coincidence? I think not.
