Pre-registration for October event

Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE SUNDAY

Sweet we will have a kalani and eerdenervahburvaderp
Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE SUNDAY

We need some more food donations. Come on, just pitch in $5 or $10. You'd spend that much to eat on the weekend even if you stayed at home and cooked.
Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE SUNDAY

I will be present as Garathon.

Please add me.


Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE SUNDAY

payment sent, I'll be PCing Vinny
Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE SUNDAY

This looks sweeet! Can't wait for this event guys! :)
Re: Pre-registration for October event DEADLINE TODAY

You should have some money for the food donations now. Please just let me know if you got it/ got it in time. That is all I want to know.

Joe Siegel

Yeti yeti yeti yeti, yeti yeti NPCing yeti. Yeti!

Hey I just wanted to check. There should have been two payments that went through under my name (one on October 3 and the other OCtober 5). One is for me to PC Ruis and the other is for Frank Willig to PC as Huleen I just wanted to make sure they were received?
Little_Ruis said:
Hey I just wanted to check. There should have been two payments that went through under my name (one on October 3 and the other OCtober 5). One is for me to PC Ruis and the other is for Frank Willig to PC as Huleen I just wanted to make sure they were received?

What email did you use when you paid? I can check easiest that way.
Little_Ruis said:

Yep, got them. Sorry!

Be sure to always leave a note with each pre-reg. Apparently, what I did was open the second reservation a few days later, say "Oh, I must have already done this one" and then didn't give the second credit!
Thank you for checking for me! I completely forget to leave a note until after I sent it. But thank you again and see you all tomorrow