Pre-registration for the Kid's Event


Okay, guys! It's that time again!

The kid's event is scheduled for July 31st and August 1st. Please feel free to arrive on Friday evening (July 30th) as I will be there with my family. The game starts promptly at 10:00 am on Saturday morning (July 31st) and ends early afternoon on Sunday (August 1st).

As always, we will have a number of kids attending, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider NPCing. The kids are pure fun and wide-eyed wonder, so NPCing is very rewarding (plus you'll get Goblin stamps as usual).

The event is being run by Elissa Ward who wrote and directed the popular "GoblinKing's Revenge" event last year. She has another great plotline planned and we need volunteers for some awesome roles.

The cost is only $25 per person (child or adult), though full time NPCs are free. You can pay via the AllianceLARP HQ website (click on the Kid's Event button) or at the door.

Player List:
1. Zachary Stehle (Sneaky) - pre-registered
2. Josh Stehle (Thane Drake) - pre-registered
3. Becca Stehle (Tabitha Drake) - pre-registered
4. Patti Hamlin
5. Patti Hamlin
6. Patti Hamlin
7. Patti Hamlin

If you do not pre-register, please post here that you are planning to come so that we can make sure that we have the right number of props and rewards for all of the kids.

Feel free to post any questions here.

Thanks and I hope to see you all at the event!

--- Eric Stehle

P.S. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider NPCing!!! The pace is relaxed, the kids are so easy to impress and we hang out by the campfire after the kids go to bed. Come have fun with us!!!
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Also npc's get as much chocolate fondue they can eat....CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!...plz npc

Thanks Danielle
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Looking at my schedule now seeing what I can do to npc.
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Is there a place I could read some information on this event? I know of someone who would love to have her little one come down and play, (and he's a firecracker). I was just hoping to find out more information for her.
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Orion Duffy, as Jackson, will be there and William Duffy will be NPCing. Lynn will be there but I dont think she will NPC or PC.
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Please sign me up to NPC.
Frank Coyne
Re: Kid's Event Pre-registration

Ok ill be there to npc. And grim may guest appear ta run a " blythedale" bootcamp for the kids if folks want. Do a thing with packet tossing and hitting balloons with weapons. Maybe a treasure hunt. And secret missions.
Hello all!

I am your friendly neighborhood writer and director for the kid's event *waves*

I'm concocting up what I hope will be a great plot line for the kids that will do the number one thing a kid's event should do!! Make them fall asleep standing up at the end of the day with smiles on their faces. I sincerely hope that you will join us in the sheer fun that it is to send kiddies forth to beat up adults with pipe foam.

If you have any ideas, or anything you would like to bring/give/setup for this event, please contact me! Hit up my email at

I'm all for ideas, I'm all for people bringing stuff along, just please shuffle it through me so I know what everyone's thinking. :D

Treasure hunt and training Aggravain? Flippin Phenomenal. Contact me. We'll talk. :)

And no people. The offer of chocolate fondue of awesomeness is not a joke. It is in fact a fountain of deliciousness.

I will post again with some details regarding the event.

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Should I break out the grill to cook etc? How many participants do we normally have? Should I buy a cup? I don't want to get "bill'd ". Im actually very amped for this. Melissa I sent u a pm
Though I realize I should have emailed. Ill correct this later.

Kyle/ Grim

We typically order pizza on Saturday and have a pizza party on Saturday night for the kids. If you want to grill as well, that's fine.

Who else is coming to this event?

I will buy dinner for every NPC who shows up!

--- Eric Stehle
both me and gryffin will be at this event , he still hasnt stoppe talking about last years !!!
We would totally NPC if we didn't already have plans! Brynne is too small to play, but she would totally get a kick out of watching other kids play (and considering she can't really move yet, it would have been perfect! :)
Just wanted to post some answers, real quick, to the most asked questions:

~The age range is 6-14.
~Because we have a good solid spread of ages: the event as a whole is six year old friendly. That being said.....a 12 year old will have some extra stuff coming at them :)
~Kids 10 years and under do NOT have to call damage. Kids 11 years and older must call their damage.
~There will be a couple more rule separations between the younger and older range as soon as I finish thinking about them.
~We ask that guardians bring their kid's breakfasts and lunches. We do dinner Saturday night with pizza (or whatever awesome wonderful people bring :) )
~There are two adult roles at the kid's event: Good guys, Bad guys (we like to keep it simple :D )
~We need exponentially more Bad guys than Good guys.
~As a good guy you may indeed come as your own existing PC character to interact with the children. Good guys are basically the tavern runners, game runners, chaperones, and watchers for the kids. And yes, you may jump back and forth between Good and Bad guy.
~Only Bad Guys are allowed to fight and defend themselves. No Good Guy may carry a weapon, spell, or shield of any kind. The kids are supposed to protect YOU :D
~Lodging is first come first served. We will not be reserving spaces.
~You may come up Friday night
~Saturday: we begin at 10am and then run until one of the following things occur. The kids get too tired to continue (HAHAHA riiiight), plot is completed for the day, or 8pm hits. Should there be some kids wide awake and bushy tailed after these things, we will indeed have things for them to do until guardians pull them for sleepy time.
~Sunday: we begin at 10am for breakfast, event finishes by noon-2.

That is what comes to the top of my head as most asked questions.

I will be there for NPC good times for Saturday.

Little Bro can't make it this year.... Darn Disney world.

Kids can't wait to get there and play, my oldest is stoked and she can't wait and wants to go on a "real mod" like those boys did with you last time (Goblin Kings revenge). She just can't stop talking about it.

I will be PC'ing since my youngest just makes the cut off. It's gonna be a kiergani fest!!

I am actually scared to see what kind of mischief Winter and Cullen (yet to give character name) get into. Young Kiergani !!

(my spelling sucks today)
The Kid's Event is this coming weekend!

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to NPC! I will personally buy dinner on Saturday night for every person who comes to NPC!

We should have about 12+ kids, so we need at least 8-9 full-time NPCs, so please consider coming to the event!

The event starts on Saturday at 10:00 am SHARP. The kids are usually up and running around early Saturday morning, so we can't put them off much longer than that! All are welcome to come to the site Friday evening where we'll hang out around the campfire (and probably make S'more's). I should be at the site by 6:00 pm on Friday.

There will be plenty of room for everyone to stay and lots of fun to be had, so join us!!!

See you this weekend!!!

--- Eric Stehle
Going to get the fruit and chocolate today!!!!! My sister and i will be npcing the tavern as usual. Kepping the kids and the adults hydrated as usual. Cant Wait!!!
Currently baking 6 diffrent kinds of muffins.we have chocolate chip, chocolate chocolate chip, triple berry, blue berry, lemon poppy seed, banana nut , and brownies!!!!! Smells yummy... Npcs eat all you want!!!!