Awesome, awesome event.
Thank you so much to Elissa for her great story-telling and organizational skills. We threw her some curve balls on Friday night and she quickly absorbed our craziness into her plotline. She is also an expert at coming up with unique and fun ways to get the kids to run and chase stuff as we tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to burn off their seemingly endless energy.
Thank you very, very, very much to those who came to the event just to NPC. We could not have had such a great event without Kyle, Frank, Tab, Vince, Jill, Duffy and everyone else who graciously gave their time and energy to the kids an awesome adventure. I cannot thank you enough (though I hope the pizza helped!).
Thanks also to Bobby and Dan for leading the kids with their PCs and also to Danielle (and her little sis) for running the tavern and goody shoppe.
We are going to try to run two events next summer, if we can. So please tell your friends who have kids about the event and let's see if we can get up to 20 kids next summer!
Thank you again!!!
--- Eric Stehle