Pre-Registration: July 14th 1-day Event

Announcing Pre-Registration for our July 14th 1-Day at Proud Lake State Recreation Area

The price for this event will be $35, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Food will be available for the cost of $5 a person. Pre-registration will also get you priority at Logistics.

Event Note: This Event will be run by an Alternate Plot Team. More details about the event will be available in the forum as the Event draws nearer.

In order to help get you through logistics faster and more smoothly, we will be trying something different this season! For this season, please form a line when arriving at Logistics. If you have pre-registered, you may proceed to the front of the line as priority.

Logistics Details
Magic Item, Scroll, and substantial Production requests (please include the total Goblin Stamp cost of your requests) will close as of 11:59pm on July 6th (Friday night).
Preregistration for this event will close as of 11:59pm on July 8th (Sunday night).
Please send the following information to
  • Inform Logistics how you wish to spend any Build
  • Provide Logistics with a list of your Magic Items (Item number, expiration date, and effects)
  • If you have Spells, High Magic, and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
  • Any Vacuum Package Purchases (List of Packages Here)
  • If you will be eating food or not. (+$5)
(For those of you with High Magic, don't forget that you'll only have half as much as your total levels in Formal Magic due to the fact that there is only one logistics period for one day events!)

Site Information

Proud Lake State Recreation Area -
Trillium Cabin (Don't Go to the Main Entrance)

Powers Beach Road
Milford, MI 48381

Directions from I-96/Wixom Road exit
Take Wixom Road North (toward Menards) ~4.1 Miles
Turn Left to stay on Wixom Road
Wixom Road will curve Right
Powers Beach Road will be on the Left
If Wixom Road curves Left or you see Sleeth Road, you've gone a bit too far.

(Please note that you'll need a Recreation Passport parking pass, they can be purchased at,1607,7-153-10365_55798---,00.html)

  • If you don't have a Recreation Passport, there is a limited amount of parking nearby that could be used to ferry people to and from the site, if that additional cost will be a burden.
  • While this is a 1-day Event, due to rental rules we do have the site (including a cabin) for Friday and Saturday nights. If you are thinking of skipping the event because you don't want to drive there in the morning and/or home in the evening you can stay at the site. Contact Matt ( if you are interested in this option. There is no additional cost to stay overnight, but space is limited
Who's Coming?
Pre-Registered PCs:

  1. Matt F.
  2. Chad S.
  3. Travis G.
  4. Chris I.
  5. Chris G. (Phanuck)
  6. Mike M. (Flint)
  7. Kristen S. (Dustie)
  8. Lou M. (Finch)
  9. Chris P. (Krellen)
  10. Annette (Cyn)
  11. Jared M. (Glenn)
  12. Rachel H. (Scarlet)

Pre-Registered NPCs:

  1. Dave M.
  2. Ian P.
  3. Baylan B.
  4. Kristie
  5. Leslie
  6. Nate
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I'm coming but need to know workshop placement for production before I can send it fully in.
Jared s.
Hey Jared,

I think it’s safe to say that you won’t be in Valborough, since most one day events occur in different locations, and as a result It’s probably safe to assume you can’t use a workshop.

As to where you will be specifically, I think that’s more of a FOIG question.

Just a reminder that the deadlines for Pre-Registration are coming up fast.

Magic Item, Scroll, and substantial Production requests (please include the total Goblin Stamp cost of your requests) will close as of 11:59pm on July 6th (Friday night).
Preregistration for this event will close as of 11:59pm on July 8th (Sunday night).

It is especially important for you to Pre-Register if you're coming to our 1-Day events, because it is much more difficult to bring all of Logistics to the 1-Day Site. Help us, help you.